Building the Safety Case Framework for the Future Aviation System
Commissioned by the Future Flight Challenge (FFC), this study conducted by Helios and the University of York seeks to define the high-level safety case framework to support the development of the future aviation system. Focusing on developments in drone and UAM aircraft technology and recognising that the aviation system must adapt to the needs of these emerging aircraft, what are the key safety challenges that must be overcome and what options are available to achieve this? The study focuses on some key themes such as management of safer complex systems, integrated risk and safety management, the role of the human and autonomy and the supporting physical and digital infrastructure that will be necessary.
Webinar recording is now available
In this one-hour webinar, you will hear from Helios who will give an update on the progress of the study and describe some of the key issues that have been identified. Following the presentation, there was a Q&A session.
This webinar will be of interest to all those interested in the development of future flight within the UK and specifically those who have responsibility or an interest in understanding and managing risk both from a product and service perspective.
Feedback required to inform a safety case framework for a future aviation system
The webinar took place on 13 November and Helios delivered an online consultation, which has been left open to enable you to provide feedback.
How to provide feedback
- Watch the webinar above
- Complete the online questions here
The deadline for responses is noon Friday 20 November.
About the safety case framework study
The 6-month project will provide a high-level safety case framework, to be published by the end of 2020.
The safety case framework will cover scenarios from three horizons (short, medium and long term) and use-cases: Drones (for delivery, monitoring and robotic functions), urban air mobility and regional air mobility.
The consultation seeks input on the following:
- What is your top concern related to the safety of the future aviation system?
- Having heard about the transversal themes we are covering, what other areas do you think will be significant to the safety of the future aviation system? (transversal themes include; role of the human and autonomy; supporting infrastructure; safety and management of complex systems; and integrated risk and safety management.)
- Do you have a radically different vision of the future aviation system compared to our projections?
If you have any questions about the safety case study, contact
If you are interested in engaging further with the Future Flight Challenge, you can:
- Register to attend Future Flight events
- Watch recordings from previous Future Flight events
This is your opportunity to provide input and help shape the future aviation system.