We create diverse connections to drive positive change.

Innovate UK Business Connect is the new name for Innovate UK KTN. We connect innovators with new partners and new opportunities beyond their existing thinking – accelerating ambitious ideas into real-world solutions.

Invest in Innovation

Featured Sector Information

European event travel awards enable UK SMEs to expand their horizons
European event travel awards enable UK SMEs to expand their horizons

Since September 2023, Innovate UK has supported SMEs looking to expand into Europe by providing travel awards to enable innovators to attend events in several different countries and form new collaborative partnerships to help their business grow and simultaneously strengthen the UK economy.

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Teams in Year 8 of CyberASAP put through their paces in a proof-of-concept Bootcamp
Teams in Year 8 of CyberASAP put through their paces in a proof-of-concept Bootcamp

The 14 teams involved in the eighth year of the Cyber Security Academic Startup Accelerator Programme (CyberASAP) began the second phase of their training with a highly-focused bootcamp.

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Innovate Local: Wales - Wrexham hosts key players in Welsh innovation
Innovate Local: Wales - Wrexham hosts key players in Welsh innovation

Celebrating the progress and potential of Wales’s innovation ecosystem

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Celebrating a decade of quantum discovery
Celebrating a decade of quantum discovery

The 10th anniversary of the UK National Quantum Technology Programme (NQTP) has been celebrated with a technology showcase event to embrace the dawn of the next decade of quantum innovation.

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Global collaboration to develop innovative net zero solutions
Global collaboration to develop innovative net zero solutions

UK businesses to collaborate internationally to develop innovative net zero products and services via Innovate UK’s Net Zero Living Programme.

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UK-Australia collaborations announced for renewable hydrogen projects
UK-Australia collaborations announced for renewable hydrogen projects

Six innovative projects have received £3.6m from Innovate UK and over $7.6 million from Australia to advance innovation and new economic opportunities.

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Creative Businesses take centre stage
Creative Businesses take centre stage

Some of the UK’s most promising creative businesses were given the chance to shine at the Create Growth Programme Showcase, attended by investors and industry experts.

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UK Invest 2035: join the Investor Partnerships programme
UK Invest 2035: join the Investor Partnerships programme

Launched on 14 October 2024, Invest 2035 sets out a clear ambition for delivering business growth through businesses which will deliver new technologies in emerging markets.

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Getting to GRIPS with plastic waste
Getting to GRIPS with plastic waste

Over 600 delegates attended the fourth annual Global Research and Innovation in Plastics Sustainability Conference (GRIPS 2024) on Thursday 19 September, held at the University of Sheffield, and online.

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Innovate Local: Wales - Wrexham hosts key players in Welsh innovation

Celebrating the progress and potential of Wales’s innovation ecosystem

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Innovate UK innovation loans future economy: Round 18

UK registered businesses can apply for loans for innovative projects with strong commercial potential to significantly improve the UK economy.

Opens: 31/10/2024 Closes: 08/01/2025
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Rail Innovation Exhibition 2025

09.00 - 17.00 | London / Online

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Net Zero

Net Zero





Business Growth

Business Growth

Innovate UK system
The Innovate UK system is an ecosystem of expertise, funding, and powerful connections. Learn about how we can each uniquely help you achieve your innovation goals.


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