UK Places

Partnering with regions across the UK to foster innovation ecosystems that drive local impact and national capability.

What is ‘Place’?

Places are both an enabler and a driver for innovation. Place and place-based initiatives are important in delivering economic, environmental, and societal benefits across the UK, and we are committed to connecting national and regional innovation to enable these benefits.

This means looking at innovation from a place-first rather than industry sector-first perspective, working between national policies and local priorities. On a practical level, it means we’re doing things in places, for the benefit of those places. From our Innovate Local event series to our Launchpad programme, we are committed to delivering activities that make a difference to innovators across the UK.

What we do is aligned to the Innovate UK Plan for Action.


Strengthening UK capability in places

We support existing excellent local innovation strengths that are critical to overall UK capability, through investment support in strategic infrastructure, to building clusters of excellence.


Connecting national to local

We need local and national business support across the UK, to work together with better signposting and awareness of national and specialist support. We strive to make it easier for businesses to find the best support, whether local or national.


Driving local impact

We tailor our support to innovative business clusters to build capacity, stimulate greater connectivity between local businesses and the research base and deliver greater productivity and economic impact.

Our UK Places

Reimagining your place in UK innovation.

Our UK Places team

Our UK Places team

Our colleagues across the Innovate UK system are dedicated to supporting innovators, no matter where in the UK you are based. In addition, we have a dedicated UK Places team working on building our strategic local partnerships and developing place-focused initiatives.

Meet the team

Contact us

For general enquiries regarding our UK places and regional growth, please connect with us.


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