Women in Technology: Empowering Innovation - Presentation Skills

The Women in Technology: Empowering Innovation series that aims to bring women in enabling technologies together to discuss the challenges they face throughout their career and share experiences.

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10.30 - 12.00



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In this next session, we will be joined by Sallee Poinsette-Nash of Brandable.

We’ll look through a human-brand lens to explore whether you’re selling or underselling yourself, reframing the way you think about ‘selling’ and understanding why it’s important to build confidence and overcome it. We will discuss how applying a more strategic approach to your career or business can take you further, faster.

Webinar recording is now available

The session is designed to be interactive, inviting you to think differently, and encouraging you to share your thoughts, and ask questions.

You will learn:

  • How to improve your relationship with ‘selling’ yourself
  • How to structure and shape a strong human-brand
  • How to apply the 1cm rule to open doors and get you further, faster

…and you’ll leave with a sprinkling of confidence thrown in for good measure!

This session is for: anyone who feels they may be underselling themselves – in their job search, career or business!

About the Women in Technology series

Enabling technology is helping to change our world, but how will the sector meet the needs of a diverse population if it is being shaped by a small section of society?

Gender imbalance in the technology industry is an issue, with only 5% of leadership positions held by women, and women less likely to consider a technology career than men (Pwc, Women in Tech Report). Recognising the important contributions of women as decision-makers, stakeholders, educators and experts across sectors and at all levels can lead to successful, long term solutions to development challenges, and we all must do more to ensure that the gender imbalance is addressed, accelerating the time it will take to truly create a more industry.

On the 3rd November 2020, KTN and E-Futures brought together women working in enabling technologies, such as electronics, sensors, photonics, RF and microwave and acoustics, to workshop and explore why we are not seeing more women in these sectors, to discuss barriers and the collective solutions we can take towards a more gender-balanced landscape.

Following the workshop, we’re proud to launch the Women in Technology: Empowering Innovation series that aims to bring women in enabling technologies together to discuss the challenges they face throughout their career and share experiences.

The series is designed to provide inspiration, practical advice and tools. Throughout the series, we will explore topics ranging from support to grow your business to funding and finance.

Upcoming episodes

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Women in Innovation

Women in Innovation

Enabling brilliant women across the UK to fully achieve their vision for their businesses and change the world, while championing and celebrating gender diversity throughout UK innovation.


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