Training, Knowledge and Skills Needs in Digital Health

Posted on: 29/10/2021

EPSRC’s Healthcare Technologies team, Innovate UK and KTN would like to hear your views on training available and knowledge/skills needed in digital health for the UK. The outcome of this survey will inform us about how we can best support our academic and business communities with the training and skills needed to support the development of digital health solutions.

Are you a UK based business developing products or services aimed at health and/or care sectors? Is there a data, digital or software aspect to your offer now or under development?

If the answers are yes, please continue to read to help the UK Government support your future endeavours.

It is well understood that there is a global skills gap impacting many sectors of the economy and this is particularly evident in digital and health sectors including digital health and care and smart Med Tech.

The UK Government, through EPSRC’S Healthcare Technologies team, UKRI – Innovate UK, and supported by KTN, proposes to close that gap through dedicated training and skills development. We need YOUR help to define where emphasis should be placed and how to provide that support for skills, in a way that suits the business community.

Please follow the link below to complete a survey which can help ensure public funds are allocated and targeted in the most effective way to address your industry’s and your own organisation’s present and future requirements.

Objectives of survey:

  • To identify the skills, training and knowledge requirements needed to support the development of transformative digital health solutions.
  • To define the skills and knowledge requirements needed to accelerate the translation of digital technologies into the healthcare sector.
  • To identify any gaps in the current UK digital health skills, education and training offering that are needed to deliver points one and two above.
  • Identify new ideas to address any knowledge and skills gaps in order to advance the development, translation/adoption of transformative digital solutions into the healthcare sector.

Please fill out the survey here.

Please note that the survey closes at 09:00 on Monday 8th November 2021.

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