CyberASAP Demo Day 2021/22 (Year 5)

Preview Innovations in Cyber Security

Event Details


13.30 - 18.30


Level 39 Canary Wharf, London & Online

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Welcome to the CyberASAP Demo Day. You’ll be the first to preview a range of highly promising cyber security products and services from leading UK academic teams. Hear their pitches and assess their offerings in this unique showcase of ready-to-commercialise cyber security innovations.

Webcast recording is now available

The Teams

The CyberASAP teams at Demo Day 2021/22 are as follows. Click on each team for more information and to view their Demonstrator videos. See all the Demonstrators videos here, download the Demo Day Booklet here

UltraNetAi + University of Essex
Network search technology for front-line policing
Watch their demonstrator video here

CyberSignature + Edge Hill University
CyberSignature delivers secure and frictionless online checkout authentication with digital behaviour intelligence.

Royal-Imperial Black Box (RIBB) + Royal Holloway / Imperial College
Moving Target Defence for Enhanced Protection of Cyber-Physical Systems

FeDCam + University of Wolverhampton
Ground-breaking new federation of AI-based cameras to transform crime detection & policing

OSIRT + University of Hertfordshire
Online investigations, simplified

WalletFind + University of Bristol, University of Salford & Manchester Metropolitan University
Discover it, Recover it, Control it, WalletFind manages your cryptocurrency wallets and activities

MLighter + Middlesex University London
The holistic tool for security evaluations of machine learning systems

Tymlo Technology + University of Wolverhampton
An innovative platform consisting of three toolkits ensuring trust, quality and explainability to AI-based decisions

Tensorcrypt + Royal Holloway, University of London
Empowering organisations to securely share and analyse confidential datasets

TAIMAS + University College London
Building Management System (BMS) cyber-attack and tamper detection in a single box ‘system as a service’ solution

See all the Demonstrators videos here, download the Demo Day Booklet here

About CyberASAP

Expanding skills and making an impact in cyber

CyberASAP plays a unique role in the cyber ecosystem, providing comprehensive support to UK academic teams looking to commercialise their research. About to enter its sixth year, the programme has selected more than 100 academic teams from universities right across the UK to participate in the programme; with Alumni raising more than £17m in further funding and forming 21 startups to date. See our Impact Report here and Case Studies here.

CyberASAP selected 24 academic teams to join the current programme in April 2021, and at Demo Day, you’ll be seeing the final 10 academic teams chosen by independent assessors to progress through to this final phase.

Apply to CyberASAP 2022/23 – funding competition open now, closing on March 2nd

If you are part of an academic team in cyber with an idea you think has commercial potential, why not apply to join CyberASAP 2022/23? 

The programme is funded by the UK Government Department of Digital, Culture, Media & Sport and delivered in partnership with Innovate UK, which manages the grant funding to universities and Innovate UK KTN who deliver the programme. CyberASAP now also has an additional funding stream for PETRAS projects participating in the Security of Digital Technology at the Periphery (SDTaP), funded by UKRI.

More information here.

If you are interested in keeping up to date with the programme or supporting it in any way, please register your interest here.


  • 13:30 – Event opens
  • 14:00 – Welcome and Introduction

Dr Emma Fadlon, Co Director, CyberASAP | Innovate UK KTN

  • Keynote Speaker: Julia Lopez MP, Minister of State for Media, Data and Digital Infrastructure
  • Pitches from CyberASAP 2021/22 Finalists: Hear  pitches from each of the 10 final teams in this year’s cohort
  • 16:00-18:30 – Demonstrations from CyberASAP 2021/22

Finalists: these will take place in person and be available to view online after the event

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