Autocraft: Deploying digital solutions in a traditional manufacturing business

Posted on: 02/03/2020

Autocraft Drivetrain Solutions is Europe’s largest independent engine remanufacturer and assembler.

They had identified that digital technologies represented a big potential opportunity but as a traditional manufacturing company, their biggest hurdle was understanding which specific digital technologies they should deploy first, and where.

Digital is very alien to a traditional manufacturing business such as ours, but by using the KTN we have been connected directly to people that can help us. We went to KTN with specific issues and got introduced to a network of innovative companies, opening our eyes to lots of other opportunities. The advice I give to any manufacturer looking to innovate is to go and get the help of the KTN – it is much faster, and at a lower risk, than doing it yourself.

How did KTN help?

Autocraft approached the KTN for help who signposted them directly to the right technology experts, supplemented by examples from other industries to demonstrate how effective these digital technologies can be.

KTN helped Autocraft establish their needs, connect them with the right partners and identify funding channels to help implement digital technologies into their business. They benefited from utilising the KTN’s network of technology developers, experts and like-minded innovators who helped fast track their move into digital manufacturing at a much lower risk than going it alone.

Find out how the adoption of digital technologies has helped the business here.


  • Autocraft Drivetrain Solutions benefited from utilising the KTN’s network to help their deployment of digitisation.
  • Improved productivity and win new work – and as a result the business increased their turnover from £21m in 2018 to £34m in 2020.

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