Healthy Ageing Community of Practice

The Healthy Ageing Community of Practice is a collaborative learning community for businesses, social ventures, researchers, investors and policymakers to connect and share knowledge and insights in relation to healthy ageing.

About the Community of Practice

The Healthy Ageing Community of Practice is a collaborative learning community with over 1,000 members, open to all those working or interested in healthy ageing. Set up predominantly for businesses, social ventures, researchers, investors and policymakers across the UK and beyond, its main aims are to convene, connect and share knowledge in order to catalyse innovation within the healthy ageing domain.

The objectives of the community are:

  • To support knowledge exchange between businesses, social enterprises and academics to accelerate their journey to impact and scale.
  • To act as a catalyst for future innovation in healthy ageing by championing and supporting interest and growth in the sector.
  • To provide connection and collaboration opportunities between practitioners, policy makers and investors with an interest in healthy ageing.


About the Healthy Ageing Challenge

UK Research and Innovation’s (UKRI) Healthy Ageing Challenge was a five-year programme to help people remain active, productive, independent and socially connected across generations for as long as possible. This was achieved by enabling businesses, including social enterprises, to develop and deliver beneficial products, services and business models that will be adopted at s­cale. During the lifespan of the challenge, we have provided research and innovation grant funding UK wide, investing up to £98 million via diverse competitions.

The ‘Adding Life to Years’ report highlights the far-reaching impact of the challenge.

View the interactive version of this report.

Our five-year journey has energised a community of innovators and researchers from a wide range of industries and academic disciplines around a vision to enable people to remain active, productive, independent and socially connected across the generations for as long as possible.

Ageing populations remain today’s reality and tomorrow’s opportunity. The Healthy Ageing Challenge may be ending, however the mission to build the knowledge and innovation to make the most of this opportunity continues.

– George MacGinnis – Healthy Ageing Challenge Director

Join our Community

Join a collaborative learning community for business, researchers, investors, policymakers and social ventures. Connect with like-minded individuals, share knowledge, and learn from others who are also striving to make a difference in the lives of older adults. Together, we can explore innovative solutions, exchange insights and best practices, and contribute to creating inclusive environments that support healthy ageing at every stage of life.



Find out more about the 120+ projects supported by the Healthy Ageing Challenge, representing the following seven themes:

You can also filter projects by region or the workstream they were funded under.

Best practice

Comprising 26 UK-wide projects, which are delivering service innovations to help people live independent and active lives as they age, the Designed for Ageing programme is focused on co-design, as this together with user-led practice have become more central to good innovation design. Explore case studies from the programme below.
Introduction to Holly Health


Introduction to Holly Health

In our Healthy Ageing project, it’s essential that older adults mustn’t feel left behind by advancing technology.

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Community powered co-creation in self-care


Community powered co-creation in self-care

The UNITY platform from Health Fabric provides a self-management experience for users in multiple languages.

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The Language of Care


The Language of Care

At Elate our product will be the digital aid for older people and carers, transforming how they access support services.

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Penny’s fighting fit with FitBees


Penny’s fighting fit with FitBees

The importance of involving people with learning disabilities in the design of digital fitness products for the future.

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Our Experts

Related events and activities

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Past events

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Join our Community of Practice

Anyone with an interest in innovation and healthy ageing is welcome to join the Community of Practice. It's free, quick and easy to sign up. As a member you will receive information on news and updates and events from the healthy ageing sector.


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