
The Health Cluster funds activities which aims at improving and protecting the health and well-being of citizens of all ages by generating new knowledge, developing innovative solutions and integrating where relevant a gender perspective to prevent, diagnose, monitor, treat and cure diseases.

Introduction to Health

The Health Cluster also funds projects developing health technologies, mitigating health risks, protecting populations and promoting good health and well-being in general and at work. In addition, the Health Cluster aims to make public health systems more cost-effective, equitable and sustainable, prevent and tackle poverty-related diseases and support and enable patients’ participation and self-management.

Funding areas

  • health throughout the life course
  • environmental and social health determinants 
  • non-communicable and rare diseases 
  • infectious diseases including poverty-related and neglected diseases
  • tools, technologies and digital solutions for health and care including personalised medicine
  • health care systems

Work Programme summary and download

This Work Programme outlines the Health Cluster funding opportunities.

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Horizon Europe funding opportunities

All open calls are listed on the European Commission’s Funding and tender opportunities database.

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Health Partnerships

EU Partnerships related to this Cluster include:
  • The Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) is a public-private partnership (PPP) between the EU and the European life science industries. IHI follows on from the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI), but is broader and covers the entire continuum of care, from prevention, diagnostics, to treatment and disease management. IHI’s goal is translate health research and innovation into tangible benefits for patients and society, and ensure that Europe remains at the cutting edge of interdisciplinary, sustainable, patient-centric health research. IHI has a total budget of €2.4 billion.

    It is funded jointly by the EU (with €1.2 billion coming from Horizon Europe) and industry organisations representing Europe’s life science industries (represented by COCIR, EFPIA / Vaccines Europe, EuropaBio and MedTech Europe). The IHI website contains further information on: who is eligible for IHI funding; funding opportunities; events; the IHI Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) and a newsletter sign-up form. As well as the calls already announced, there will also be other future calls up until 2027.

    If you are a UK organisation which has applied, or is thinking of applying to an IHI call, please email the UK National Contact Point to let us know and so that we can provide you with the latest advice about how UK participation works.


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  • Global Health EDCTP3 aims to deliver new solutions reducing the burden of infectious diseases in sub-Saharan Africa, and strengthen research capacities for preparedness and response against re-emerging infectious diseases both in sub-Saharan African and globally. It has total funding of 1.6 billion (consisting of €800m from Horizon Europe, at least €400m from the EDCTP Association and €400m from others including industry and philanthropic organisations). Their website includes information on funding calls as well as their strategy and scope. Sign up to the EDCTP newsletter to stay up to date. As well as the calls already announced, there will also be other future calls up until 2027.

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  • JPIAMR is a global collaborative organisation and platform, engaging 29 nations to curb antimicrobial resistance (AMR) with a One Health approach. Their website includes participating members/countries, calls, newsletter signup, events and their Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA). The 2024 JPIAMR call is expected to be pre-announced in November 2023. The call will specify which countries and types of organisation can apply for funding.

    In the future the JPIAMR will be replaced by the One Health AMR partnership which is expected to launch its first calls for proposals in 2025. There is some information online about the project to prepare for the new partnership, including the draft Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA).

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Health Missions

The EU Missions related to the Health Cluster is:

Cancer Mission – The goal of the Cancer Mission is work alongside the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan to improve the lives of more than 3 million people by 2030 through prevention, cure and solutions to live longer and better. It has four objectives:

1. Understanding cancer
2. Prevention and early detection
3. Diagnosis and treatment
4. Quality of life for patients and their families

The Cancer Mission will be implemented through various EU programmes, including the EU’s Horizon Europe research and innovation funding programme. Horizon Europe will provide €378.2 million of funding for the Cancer Mission in the 2021-2023 calls. As well as the calls already announced, there are also likely to be other future calls up until 2027.


Introduction to EU Missions

EU Missions are a new way to bring concrete solutions to some of our greatest challenges. EU Missions are a coordinated effort by the Commission to pool the necessary resources in terms of funding programmes, policies and regulations, as well as other activities.

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Introduction to EU Partnerships

EU Partnerships are initiatives where the EU, national authorities and/or the private sector jointly commit to support the development and implementation of a programme of research and innovation activities.

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Related Events and Recordings


Horizon Europe Hour Q&A Sessions

10.00 - 11.00 GMT | Online

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Horizon Europe Health (Cluster 1) and Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) - Consortia Building Event

09.30 - 12.30 | Online

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Association to Horizon Europe - Information Webinar

14.00 - 15.00 BST |

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