Zero Emission HGVs: Electric Road System (ERS) outputs from the Zero Emission Road Freight (ZERFT) programme
In 2021, the Department for Transport, in partnership with Innovate UK, invested £20 million into projects exploring zero emission road freight. This included projects that were identifying and validating the optimum technological, economic, and environmental approaches for a possible future Electric Road System (ERS) demonstrator.
Webinar recording is now available
As attention turns to the recently announced £200 million Zero Emission Road Freight demonstrator (ZERFD) programme, and momentum builds around the end of sale dates of new non-zero emission HGVs by 2035/2040, we looked at the learning from the work which has recently concluded.
Experts shared outputs from their projects, the key challenges for industry, and the necessary collaboration across the sector moving forward to achieve these goals.
Watch the above recording of this event to understand the learnings our electric road system projects discovered as part of the Zero Emission Road Freight Trial programme.