E-Textiles for Healthy Ageing Workshop
E-Textiles Network has announced its Healthy Ageing Workshop taking place in February.
The E-Textiles for Healthy Ageing Workshop will be taking place on 14th February at Manchester Metropolitan University. The workshop will involve focused sessions on identifying the requirements for e-textile technologies for healthy ageing and the research challenges involved in achieving this, with the aim of arriving at a technology roadmap, identifying the key areas for development/research.
The agenda includes a presentation from Dr Laura Brown (University of Manchester‚Äôs Manchester Institute for Colalborative Research on Ageing) on ‘What is Healthy Ageing‚Äô, while Professor William Harwin of SPHERE (Sensor Platform for HEalthcare in a Residential Environment) will discuss ‚ÄòClassification and assessment of movements from inertial sensors‚Äô. Alongside opportunities for networking there will be additional presentations from Tim Brownstone (Kymira) on the impact of e-textiles on domestic health care, and from Professor Cathy Treadaway (LAUGH ‚Äì an organisation supporting people with late-stage dementia through designing innovative products that amuse, comfort and engage) on designing for dementia and cognitive impairment, while Mark Pedley of Smartlife will focus his presentation on insights to live better everyday through wearable technology.
The Network is chaired by KTN’s Knowledge Transfer Manager for Advanced Materials, Brian McCarthy.
The workshop is free to attend but spaces are limited and members will need to apply by e-mailng info@e-textiles-network.com with a short paragraph on why you’d like to attend and what contribution you’d make to discussions.
You can find out more information here.
You can view the full agenda here.