Healthy Ageing ISCF webinar
A webinar is being held on Friday 24 August, 10:00-11:00 to update you on the progress that has been made on both Healthy Ageing ISCF competitions.
As part of this challenge, the government will invest up to £98m from the ISCF (Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund) to create new consume products and services underpinned by technology.
Later this year, UKRI will launch two competitions:
1. To develop a programme of demonstrator sites to combine multiple innovations into new products and services and demonstrate their use at scale.
2. A research programme to address social, behaviour and design issues associated with developing and scaling products and services for healthy ageing.
Those joining will hear from Innovate UK, ESRC and KTN who will give information about the calls.  This will be limited to information in the public domain and will not have definitive dates or scopes for either call.  However, the webinar will bring you as up to date as possible and endeavour to answer any questions you may have.
You can submit a query on registering for the webinar.
To register, click here.