Prospering From the Energy Revolution Showcase
18 March – please note, this is now an online webinar starting at 10:00
You, like us, will be only too aware of the fast-developing situation with regards to the COVID-19 pandemic. The safety and wellbeing of our attendees and staff is our priority, so we have decided to move the showcase event from a physical meeting to an online webinar.
We recognise that many businesses and individuals would be unable to travel or attend in person and therefore feel we will get a much better response by moving online. This decision has not been taken lightly and we fully appreciate that many of you will be as disappointed as we are! However, we hope you appreciate the unique circumstances that have led us to this decision.
We are very keen to ensure that we continue to deliver an event that provides a valuable opportunity to learn about the programme, network and connect with others. If you had booked to attend this event, on Tuesday, you will receive joining instructions for the webinar taking place on Wednesday 18th March from 10.00am. The agenda for the virtual event mirrors the majority of the content from the live event. In addition to the presentations and panel discussions which will take place online you will be able to join the meeting mojo app to book video meetings with the projects taking place during lunchtime.
The exhibition posters which were to be displayed at the event will now be available to all registered participants digitally and we will also provide you with a link to the event brochure giving details of all the projects and their contacts details to allow you to follow up with them after the event.
Once again, we apologise for any inconvenience caused.
If you have any queries, please contact the KTN (
About Prospering From the Energy Revolution
A key priority for the UK government is to create more efficient energy systems helping to meet targets for clean growth. The Prospering From the Energy Revolution (PFER) programme, part of the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund, is designed to fund energy system projects funded through the which will deliver cleaner, cheaper, energy for consumers, while creating high value jobs and world-leading capability across for the UK.
This challenge is about showing people that they can live low carbon lifestyles in low carbon places more conveniently and more comfortably. It will revolutionise energy management for consumers through new smart systems that can deliver energy according to the society’s needs and wants from a modern energy supply that is clean, efficient and affordable. The local energy systems link energy supply, storage and demand patterns across power, heating and transport to improve efficiency, resilience, infrastructure productivity and service to consumers.
Some of the topics covered by the funded projects include; power generation, supply and storage, heating/cooling generation, supply and storage, energy for transport (power and gas), digital integration and system optimisation and energy trading.
Related programme
Enabling smart local energy systems
We live, work and travel in regions, cites, towns and communities, but energy systems are still very centralised. UKRI’s Prospering from the Energy Revolution programme explored the potential of smart local energy systems and place-based approaches. Discover learnings and insights from the £104m, five-year programme.