Engage with… Electrifying Interviews with McLaren Applied

The ‘Engage With…’ and the ‘Engage with… Electrifying Interview’ series featured topical discussions with experts, companies and organisations about electronic systems and manufacturing within industries related to Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD). The Driving the Electric Revolution team is delighted to share these Engage with… Electrifying Interviews with engineers from McLaren Applied. These interviews provide an insight into:
- Work they are undertaking
- Their early career pathways & opportunities
- Their excitement for skills development in a key upcoming industry
These interviews provide a fantastic insight into leading-edge technology for engineers and scientists demonstrating that PEMD (Power Electronics, Machines and Drives) is a relevant and exciting career choice. The four interviews in the showcase below are with Karen Given (Senior Systems Engineer), Daniel Cross (Associate Systems Engineer), Amy Maharati (Embedded Software Engineer) and Stephen Lambert (Head of Electrification), all from McLaren Applied.
We hope you enjoy these Electrifying Interviews, and we look forward to your feedback.
Engage with… Electrifying Interviews
Why we produced ‘Electrifying Interviews with McLaren Applied’
Increasing the number of young people from diverse backgrounds entering engineering is facilitated by early exposure to STEM concepts through engaging and relatable role models. This approach humanises STEM, removes barriers, and empowers youth to explore careers they may not have otherwise considered.
Power Electronics, Machines, and Drives (PEMD) are crucial for the UK’s net zero goals. Industries transitioning to electrification are creating an urgent demand for next-generation PEMD technologies and the associated STEM skills required for their implementation and deployment.
The Driving the Electric Revolution programme has invested £33M+ in collaborative projects to improve UK PEMD supply chains, and £6M+ to support PEMD related skills and training development. An aim to make engineering and PEMD accessible and appealing by facilitating 60 minute webinars and 5 minute LinkedIn ‘Electrifying Interviews’. These enable organisations to present their PEMD activities, challenges, requirements, and collaborative opportunities to a wider diverse audience.
McLaren Applied Ltd, formerly part of McLaren Group and since 2021 an independent company, offers PEMD solutions in motorsports, automotive, transport, and mining. The ‘Electrifying Interviews with McLaren Applied’ captures the employees’ enthusiasm, insights and promising career paths. Their relatable backgrounds inspire prospective young individuals to explore educational and career prospects in engineering. Hopefully with a focus on Power Electronics, Machines, and Drives.
Related Events and Recordings
Engage with... LIVE! 2023 - Driving Forward UK Electrification Technologies
09.00 - 17.00 | Birmingham