Engaging in Quantum Memories

Event Details


09.00 - 17.00



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Whilst there have been demonstrations of quantum secure communications, the limitation of decoherence over long distances proves to be one of the major challenges facing this field. Quantum memories are proposed to be a solution to this, removing one of the main bottlenecks in the creation of quantum repeaters. They also have the ability to help create practical quantum computers, by increasing the time qubits can be worked on and allowing distributed quantum computing to exist.

About the event

This event looks at encouraging new interest and collaborations in this field, particularly from the photonics and telecoms industries. It will do this by highlighting the current ways to achieving quantum memories, and why certain approaches are more suitable depending on their environment. It will also provide examples of how to get involved in this technology.

Why should you attend this event?

  • To learn about the current approaches to quantum memories
  • Learn of an available funding opportunity
  • Learn about how quantum memories are crucial for certain sectors

Who should attend this event?

  • Anyone who is contributing to the quantum memory industry
  • Anyone who has a potential interest in commercialising quantum memories
  • Anyone who works for photonics and communications companies
  • Quantum computing and networking companies


09:20 – Arrival, Registration and Refreshments

10:00 – Introduction, Professor Ian Walmsley

Presentations: Section 1 – Approaches to Quantum Memories

10:20 – Nanoco & University of Manchester, David Binks

10:50 – Orca Computing: Quantum Memories for Scalable Quantum Computing

11:15 – Imperial College London, Sarah Thomas

11:40 – Break

11:55 – Qunnect: From Table-top to the Field; The Challenging Path to a Commercialized Quantum Memory, Mehdi Namazi

12:20 – Element Six, Teodoro Graziosi

12:45 – Lunch

Presentations: Section 2 – Applying Quantum Memory to Industry

13:45 – DSTL: Defence Communication Needs for Quantum Memory

14:10 – Toshiba

14:35 – BT: Quantum Memories for a Telecom Industry, Emilio Hugues Salas

Presentations: Section 3 – Engaging in Quantum and Quantum Memories

15:00 – Fraunhofer, Lloyd McKnight

15:20 – Innovate UK: CR&D – Scalable Technologies for Quantum Communication, Sam Johnson

15:40 – Quantum Communications Hub, Professor Reza Nejabati

16:00 – Tea coffee & networking

17:00 – Event Close


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