Follow Innovate UK on the latest Global Expert Mission in Antimicrobial Resistance to India

From 6th to 10th November 2023, Innovate UK in partnership with UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) India, and UK Science and Innovation (UKSIN) travels to India to focus on potential markets for collaboration in Antimicrobial Resistance.

Posted on: 03/10/2023
India and United Kingdom flags together relations textile cloth, fabric texture.

India’s healthcare product manufacturing is excellent, comparatively, however, there are still major gaps in a one Health approach and access to appropriate healthcare remains a major issue for many. The UK is the second highest foreign investor in India’s antimicrobial resistance (AMR) market, providing developed connections between both markets for collaboration. For opportunities, Bengaluru, Mumbai, New Delhi and Hyderabad have a strong industry for the AMR sector, with Bengaluru being particularly central for AMR companies, funding and research institutions.

Both India and the UK are world leaders in AMR research publications, third and fourth respectively, providing fertile ground for knowledge transfers. Within this research there are sectors both markets can learn from, as India has a particularly developed research industry in agricultural AMR studies, and the UK in human AMR diagnostics.  The world leading capabilities of both countries offers extensive opportunities for further collaboration, which this GEM seeks to identify.

The Global Expert Mission on AMR is a perfect opportunity for Innovate UK to assess the research and innovation ecosystem in India. The visit will help us to understand how we can support UK businesses to expand globally and partner with innovative organisations in India across the AMR one health space.

Syed Ahmed, Regional Lead – Global Expert Missions, Innovate UK

AMR is a global slow pandemic and the solutions will need collaboration utilising the best innovations. India has recognised the importance of AMR and is investing in research and development. Innovate UK believes there are opportunities to bring scientists and businesses together from both nations to help maximise the development of new solutions.

Phil Packer, Innovate UK

The team are looking forward to expanding international collaborations and will report back next month. Follow us on Twitter: @IUK_Global and #IndiaAMRGEM.

About Global Expert Missions

The Global Expert Missions (GEM) programme is funded by Innovate UK to support the Industrial Strategy’s ambition for the UK to be the international partner of choice for science and innovation. Led by Innovate UK, GEMs play an important role in building strategic partnerships, providing deep insight into the opportunities for UK innovation and shaping future bilateral collaboration programmes.

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Global Expert Missions

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