REforMM: Longer in Use and ReUse workshop

To support realising our material and manufacturing vision 2050, on 26 March 2024, Innovate UK Business Connect hosted a workshop in London to explore how we can support companies wanting to make step changes to keep products longer in use and reuse.

Event Details


09.30 - 16.10



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Recordings now available

The  Innovate UK vision for 2050  delves into the challenges and opportunities that lie in front of the UK materials and manufacturing sectors. This sprint activity focused on longer in Use and ReUse (LURU), which is one of the five core areas of the vision.

Watching this event will let you hear from the like-minded businesses community and learn how the UK can adopt and retain new business models towards longer in use and reuse.

As part of the workshop, we explored the challenges that companies face in pivoting to longer in use and reuse; it is an invitation to reimagine product lifetimes together.


  • 09.30 – Arrival and refreshments
  • 10:00 – Welcome & introduction to the event – Sally Beken, Innovate UK Business Connect
  • 10:05 – Reimagining Materials and Manufacturing – Amy Peace, Innovate UK
  • 10:20 – The Language of Re-use – Joanna Gavins, University of Sheffield
  • 10:30 – The current LURU Survey/Landscape – Becky Bolton & Lily Melody, Innovate UK Business Connect
  • 10:45 – The Circular Economy – David Greenfield, Techtakeback
  • 10:55 – The Share Shed and Libraries of Things – Roger Higman, Network of Wellbeing
  • 11:05 – Coffee Break
  • 11.30 – Workshop Session AM
    What are the challenges to achieving Longer in ReUse?
    Can we learn from failures, financial sustainability or the human satisfaction factor?
    How do we adopt and retain good practice?
  • 12.45 – Quick Pitch Event from LURU companies
  • 13:15 – Lunch & Networking – opportunity to visit exhibition on repurposing buildings.
  • 14.15 – Running a business based on ReUse – Kresse Wesling, Elvis and Kresse
  • 14:30 – Competition details & case study
  • 14:45 – Workshop session PM
    What opportunities are there to make viable businesses or business decisions to keep materials longer in use?

    • Service agreements
    • Quality considerations
    • Standards and regulatory information
  • 16:00 – Next steps – Amy Peace – Innovate UK
  • 16:10 – Workshop Ends however attendees are free to stay and network until 17:00

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