Talent Intuition sees rapid growth with Scaleup Programme support

Being invited onto the Innovate UK EDGE Scaleup Programme couldn’t have come at a better time for talent intelligence business Talent Intuition.

Posted on: 16/02/2022

“It’s the best thing that has happened to us at this stage in our business growth,” says the company’s CEO, Alison Ettridge. “We get both tactical and strategic advice from people who have been there and done it. Our scaleup directors have shown us how to up our game, with practical, high impact ideas that we can quickly implement.”

Talent Intuition has developed Stratigens software, providing strategic workforce intelligence data to global and fast-growing businesses. Stratigens collects big data that is converted into external people analytics and can be used by business leaders to make smarter decisions about where, how and when they source talent.

Scaleup Programme helps Talent Intuition address key challenges

A year ago, the company joined Innovate UK EDGE’s Scaleup Programme, which helps high potential businesses achieve their ambitions through intensive and bespoke support. When Talent Intuition came on board, it had several important challenges it wanted to address. It needed to:

  • Optimise the go-to-market strategy for Stratigens
  • Enhance sales and marketing effectiveness, focusing on conversion
  • Build channel partner capabilities
  • Review staffing requirements and fill key positions
  • Create the bandwidth needed to scale and execute on commercial KPIs, in line with investment statements of intent
  • Build the brand, creating demand for the company’s products and services

Twelve months on and Talent Intuition has met those challenges, with the support of Scaleup Directors Steve Smith and Chris Ellis. It now has a clear go-to-market strategy, a sharper value proposition and a much better understanding of how to move the sales cycle forward. Sales and marketing activity is aligned, with both teams working closely together and the business has invested in a new marketing automation platform to support the improved sales and marketing strategy. It has also launched a new website, taking advice from the scaleup directors on how to structure the site, position the copy and the call to action.

Scaleup Director Steve says it was crucial that the company got its digital marketing right. “They have a global audience that can be difficult to reach so they needed a very credible, effective digital presence to tell their story to the right audience. We completely transformed their digital marketing capability and capacity. ”

In addition, Steve helped Alison take a more objective view on staffing requirements and how to access more investment. “This allowed her to work more on the business, rather than in the business,” says Steve. As a result, there were an additional five hires in 2021, with a further seven hires planned for 2022. And the business achieved a 269% growth in revenues from 2020 to 2021, with an increase in software revenues to be more than 65% of total revenues, supporting the transition from a services to a software business.

We get both tactical and strategic advice from people who have been there and done it. Our scaleup directors have shown us how to up our game, with practical, high impact ideas that we can quickly implement.

– Alison Ettridge, CEO at Stratigens

Find out more about Innovate UK EDGE.

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