Innovation Exchange challenge: Implementing a programme of accessible and sustainable MaaS journey planning tools in Scotland
Supporting Tactran and SEStran to develop Mobility as a Service (MaaS) solutions that promote sustainable car use and provide efficient, personalised travel experiences.
Opportunity Details
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The selected solution provider will be quickly awarded a contract with Tactran / SEStran to fulfil the needs as described in the following challenge statement. Future considerations for the collaborative relationship could include importing other Scottish regions and/or Scottish public sector agencies onto the same platform, this will lead to further opportunities for contract extension. The successful applicant will also have the opportunity of assessing the VoyagAR accessibility application for commercial release.
Tactran / SEStran are looking for a company that can provide digital solutions that address the objectives set out in the brief below, putting mobility as a service (MaaS) for all potential users at the heart of those solutions. Part of the solution will be the provision of a new platform for their current Mobility as a Service journey planning interfaces (apps and websites).
The interfaces currently provide users access to functions that (i) assist people without access to a car access services such as education and healthcare (ii) encourages the use of sustainable transport. Tactran / Sestran do not want to lose any of the functionality or user experience when transitioning to a new platform.
At least one additional interface is likely to be required to be developed. Other interfaces may be required subject to the success in growing the programme. It is understood that some of the code will need to be rebuilt to achieve the above.
The challenge welcomes innovative approaches for how to retain functionality when migrating to a new platform. To ascertain whether the mobile applications are meeting the objectives, the challenge holders are interested in data processing solutions to be able to analyse whether the tools are (i) helping reduce inequalities (ii) helping encourage sustainable travel. Data collection should include data being collected as part of the ongoing service provided through the tools in compliance with General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), no direct data collection ask should be made to users.
The challenge
Solution providers are to show evidence that they are able to develop a shared platform and potential MaaS for SEStran and Tactran that allows potential integrations with other interfaces (currently six interfaces among apps and websites – National Park Journey Planner app and website, NHS Tayside Journey Planner website,MyD&A app, GoSEStran app and website -across four service areas: SEStran, NHS Tayside, Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park, Dundee and Angus College). In particular demonstrate the integration with the accessibility application VoyagAR (please find details below).
The solution will demonstrably address the objectives of:
- Encourage car drivers to use sustainable modes (to support 20% car km reduction target, those drivers whose trips contribute most to mileage total; to support air quality objectives, car trips in AQMAs)
- Help non car owners (and those in our least affluent areas) be aware of and navigate multi-modal travel options to access jobs, education and services
- Enable people with mobility difficulties to navigate our transport networks
In doing so, being aware of the different barriers experienced by the target audiences of the respective objectives, and hence different design, functionality and promotion of tools may be required to support the different objectives.
The principle of the Tactran/SEStran programme is to develop and test MaaS tools that can support the above objectives, by learning from the pilot phase of the programme, improving and growing the current programme, and expanding the reach of programme to support other geographies and public agencies in Scotland.
Entrants to this competition must be:
- Established businesses, start-ups, SMEs, or individual entrepreneurs
- UK based or have the intention to set up a UK base
Rewards and market opportunity
The solution will be deployed across:
- GoSEStran (1.6m population + 30.9 million day visitors in 2022)
- NHS Tayside (over 415,000 in catchment area, with approx 1.1million patient appointments each year)
- Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park Authority (4 million visitors / year)
- Dundee and Angus College (over 18,000 students)
The solution has the potential to be employed across different geographies and target groups across Scotland. For example, the development of a tool (s) for Perth & Kinross Council could have max potential for over 151,000 residents + 620,00 overnight visitors and 3.1million day visits per year
The benefits package for a successful applicant may also include:
- Support from Innovate UK Business Connect
- Support in the development of a prototype or pilot
- Invitation to attend or present at Innovate UK Business Connect events
- A potential business collaboration
- Investor introductions (if investment is required)
Related programme
Innovation Exchange
Innovate UK Innovation Exchange is a cross-sector programme supporting innovation transfer by matching industry challenges to innovative companies from other sectors. It does this by putting large businesses with technical needs in contact with companies who have the right innovative solutions, for faster development of novel solutions.