Agri-food sustainable innovation adoption journey

Innovate UK’s Adopt and Accelerate programme is designed to nurture a sustainable future by equipping UK businesses with the skills and knowledge to advance the adoption and diffusion of net zero innovations. The Net Zero Innovation Adoption User Journey Framework offers valuable insights for those interested in net zero innovation to enhance their understanding and contribute to achieving a more sustainable future for the agri-food sector.

Supporting innovation adoption and diffusion for the agri-food sector in Norfolk

On 21st February 2024, the John Innes Centre in the heart of Norfolk became a hub for agri-food industry leaders, innovators, and sustainability enthusiasts during the event: Net Zero Innovations Unveiled in Norfolk’s Agri-food Industry. This event was hosted by New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) in partnership with Innovate UK Business Connect, aiming to showcase and discuss sustainable innovations within the agri-food sector in/for the region.

By collaborating with regional partners like New Anglia LEP to support the agri-food sector and region through knowledge transfer opportunities and the adoption of net zero innovations, this showcase event is a prime example of how these collaborations foster knowledge sharing, drive innovation, and support the transition to a low-carbon society.

Developed by Innovate UK Business Connect, the 8-step Net Zero Innovation Adoption User Journey Framework outlines the key stages we recommend end users follow to effectively adopt and implement innovations and technologies to support the UK in reaching net zero.

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    The initial stage marks the beginning of the user’s journey towards adopting net zero innovations. Here, individuals or organisations become aware of the potential of these innovations in addressing their challenges. They explore the concept and its relevance to their work.

    The showcase event included a series of informative presentations designed to raise awareness about the pressing challenges and opportunities within the agri-food sector. Experts shared insights on the importance of adopting net zero practices and the potential for innovation to drive sustainability.

    The event was chaired by Dr Belinda Clarke Director of Agri-TechE and speakers from across the industry including Glenn Anderson from Wendling Beck, Philip McNaughton from British Sugar, Ernie Panks from Wyma Solutions, Pawel Kisielewski from CCm Technologies and Neil Ward from AFN Network+.

    View recording: Event highlights

    Reflective questions:

    • Are we fully aware of the net zero challenges specific to our sector?
    • How can we better inform others about these challenges?
    • What additional information or expertise do we need to fully grasp the implications of adopting net zero solutions?
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    At this stage, individuals or organisations explore the practical uses of net zero innovations. They examine different areas where these practices could be effectively applied and evaluate their advantages. This exploration may include researching opportunities across business processes and supply chains, such as efficient water use, transportation, and exploring alternatives or innovative applications in renewable energy.

    Participants engaged in dynamic discussions that generated interest in exploring net zero solutions. Chris Hill from Innovate UK Business Connect (IUK BC) emphasised the centrality of “place” in the Adopt and Accelerate programme, highlighting local strengths and opportunities.

    View recording: Place – The importance of place in addressing agri-food challenges

    Reflective questions:

    • What local strengths and opportunities can we leverage to promote net zero innovations?
    • In what aspects of our operations could net zero innovation be effectively applied?
    • Explore video case studies from Transforming Food Production (TFP) Challenge on how this sparked innovation for net zero food production
    • Explore community led Groundwork East who conducted a sustainability 101 workshop for attendees at Norfolk showcase event. You can explore their support locally and nationally via Groundwork on practical actions / steps to take to be more sustainable
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    At this stage, organisations should conduct a thorough assessment of the feasibility of implementing solutions. This includes evaluating technical requirements, economic viability, and regulatory considerations to determine the practicality and potential challenges associated with net zero innovation adoption.

    Attendees had the opportunity to evaluate various net zero solutions and collaborations. Nicky Jeffreys from New Anglia LEP discussed the development of a regional route plan and the role of events in extending knowledge sharing and fostering collaboration.

    View recording: Sector – What challenge’s is the agri-food sector facing?

    Reflective questions:

    • How do we evaluate the potential of different net zero solutions?
    • Are there specific risks or barriers that could impact the successful implementation of net zero solutions within our organisation?
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    Organisations initiate trials, research, and development such as pilot projects to test the feasibility and performance of solutions in a controlled environment. This stage allows for the collection of empirical data, identification of scalability factors, and discovery of any unforeseen challenges or opportunities.

    Showcase event attendees could explore new technologies and practices through innovator exhibitions. Additionally hearing short innovation showcase pitches from Agreed Earth, Cellexcel, Lazerthrust, CeraPhi and BlueThink.

    You can hear from Kelly Price from Agreed Earth describe the challenges of achieving net zero and Agreed Earth’s solution that supports farmers map out nitrogen loss. While Karl Farrow from CeraPhi Energy talks about their Geothermal developments.

    View recording: Technology – What technology challenges is agri-food facing?

    Reflective questions:

    • What new technologies and practices should we consider trailing in our operations?
    • How can we create a supportive environment for research, development, and trial/testing of these innovations?
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    At this critical stage, individuals or organisations affirm their commitment to integrating net zero innovations into their operations. This involves developing a detailed roadmap outlining specific objectives, timelines, resource allocations, and stakeholder responsibilities. This roadmap serves as a guide, ensuring a structured approach towards successful integration.

    The event showcased insights and opportunities where agri-food businesses can adopt sustainable solutions. Discussions highlighted the importance of support networks, farm clusters, and government initiatives in facilitating the adoption of net zero practices.

    We had an array of exhibitors from local to beyond being empowered to lead the charge towards a sustainable future.

    View recording: Sector – What challenge’s is the agri-food sector facing?

    Reflective questions:

    • What support networks and initiatives can we engage with to support our adoption efforts?
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    Once the commitment is made in the adoption stage, users transition to implementation. Here, they turn plans into action by deploying projects at scale and further integrating them into existing systems and processes. This involves actively monitoring key performance indicators and adjusting as needed to optimise the benefits of net zero innovations for achieving sustainability objectives.

    Speakers emphasised the importance of integrating net zero solutions into everyday business practices. Phil from British Sugar mentioned opportunities for improving agricultural efficiency and better land use in the UK, emphasising the integration of new technologies into farming operations.

    View recording: Place – The importance of place in addressing agri-food challenges

    Reflective questions:

    • How can we effectively integrate net zero solutions into our daily business practices?
    • What systems or processes should be in place to monitor and optimise the performance of solutions during implementation?
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    In this phase, the organisation seeks to scale up the adoption of net zero technology and share knowledge and best practices with others in the sector. This may involve developing case studies, hosting workshops or webinars, and participating in industry forums to facilitate knowledge sharing and collaboration.

    The event highlighted the importance of sharing knowledge and collaborating across the agri-food sector and its supply chain. Host Belinda Clarke discussed the sector’s readiness to scale up innovations, while Phil emphasised the need to explore various technology options across the supply chain. Watch the video below to understand how innovative technologies are being diffused across the sector.

    View recording: Technology – What technology challenges is agri-food facing?

    Reflective questions:

    • How can we effectively communicate our successes and lessons learned to others in the industry?
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    This final stage involves ongoing efforts to drive innovation and improvement in net zero solution integration. It includes activities such as gathering feedback from users, monitoring performance metrics, and exploring new technologies or approaches to optimise and enhance net zero solutions.

    The “Net Zero Innovations Unveiled in Norfolk’s Agri-food Industry” event underscored a commitment to continuous improvement and sustainability. Attendees left with actionable insights and a clear vision for their next steps in the net zero journey.

    Reflective questions:

    • What continuous improvement processes can we implement to maintain our sustainability progress?
    • How can we stay informed about new developments?
Navigating hydrogen adoption for net zero
Posted on: 25/06/2024

Navigating hydrogen adoption for net zero

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Chris Hill

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