Innovate Local: Wrexham | Arloesi Lleol: Wrecsam

Join us in Wrexham to learn how Innovate Local can help you scale-up, grow or enhance your operations. | Ymunwch â ni yn Wrecsam i ddysgu sut y gall Arloesi Lleol eich helpu i ehangu, tyfu neu wella eich gweithrediadau.

Event Details


09.00 - 16.00 GMT


Wrexham | Wrecsam

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About the event - Am y digwyddiad

  • Overview

    Do you want to grow or improve your business but aren’t sure how to get started or where to turn? Join us at Innovate Local: Wrexham, along with fellow business leaders, innovators, and experts.

    On 14 November we’ll explore the importance of innovation and how it can:

    • Drive Business Growth: Learn how innovation can lead to increased profitability, market share, and customer loyalty.
    • Boost Competitiveness: Discover how staying ahead of industry trends and embracing innovation can give your business a competitive edge.
    • Foster Resilience: In today’s ever-changing business landscape, innovation is a key driver of adaptability and long-term success.

    Ydych chi eisiau tyfu neu wella eich busnes ond ddim yn siŵr sut i ddechrau neu ble i droi? Ymunwch â ni yn Innovate Local: Wrecsam, ynghyd â chyd-arweinwyr busnes, arloeswyr ac arbenigwyr.

    Ar 14 Tachwedd byddwn yn archwilio pwysigrwydd arloesi a sut y gall:

    • Sbarduno Twf Busnes: Dysgwch sut gall arloesi arwain at fwy o broffidioldeb, cyfran uwch o’r farchnad, a theyrngarwch cwsmeriaid.
    • Hybu Cystadleurwydd: Darganfyddwch sut gall cofleidio arloesedd a chydweithio traws-sector roi mantais gystadleuol i’ch busnes.
    • Meithrin Gwydnwch: Darganfyddwch sut, yn nhirwedd fusnes sy’n newid yn barhaus yn ddiweddarach, y mae arloesedd yn yrrwr allweddol i fedru addasu a hybu llwyddiant hirdymor.
  • Who should attend?
    Pwy Ddylai Ymuno?

    This event is open to any business based in Wales and its border. Whether you’re in any sector or industry, a small start-up or an established enterprise, this event will explore how you can harness the power of innovation and its practical application.

    Mae’r digwyddiad yn agored i unrhyw fusnes yng Nghymru a’i border. Pe byddech chi’n dod o sector neu ddiwydiant, yn fusnes newydd neu fenter sefydledig, byddai’r digwyddiad hon yn archwilio sut gallech chi fanteisio’r pŵer o arloesi a’i gymhwysiad ymarferol.

  • Why attend?
    Pam Ymuno?
    • Connect with innovation experts and potential collaborators.
    • Discover the opportunities and incentives for ambitious innovators and businesses in Wales.
    • Network with like-minded professionals from Wales’s thriving business community.
    • Take your next practical step towards transforming your business through innovation.
    • Cysylltwch gydag arbenigwyr arloesi a gydweithwyr potensial.
    • Darganfyddwch yrcyfleoedd a’r cymhellion ar gyfer arloeswyr a busnesau uchelgeisiol yng Nghymru.
    • Rhwydweithiwch â gweithwyr proffesiynol o’r un anian o gymuned fusnes Cymru.
    • Cymerwch eich cam nesaf tuag at drawsnewid eich busnes trwy arloesi.
    • Arrival and Registration – 09:00-09:30
    • Welcome and Opening Remarks – 09:30-10:10
    • Innovation Landscape – 10:10-11:10
      National and local business support agencies give a taster pitch of their services for business leaders and entrepreneurs. Discover valuable resources and opportunities to help drive your business forward.
    • Morning Break – 11:10-11:40
    • My Business Innovation Journey – 11:40-12:40
      Hear from local businesses as they share how Innovate UK’s diverse support has fueled their growth and accelerated their success. Discover the real-world impact of this support on their journey to thriving in today’s competitive landscape.
    • Lunch and Networking – 12:45-13:45
    • Breakout 1: Financing Your Business Innovation Journey – 13:45-14:30
      Are you ready to take your business to the next level but need the capital to fuel your vision? Don’t miss this must-attend session where industry experts and successful entrepreneurs reveal the secrets to securing public and private funding!
    • Breakout 2: Cluster Strengths and Opportunities – 13:45-14:30
      Understand how innovation clusters are formed to consider how you could get involved, or inspire you to think of how to convene your own cluster.
    • Breakout 3: Knowledge Transfer Partnerships – 13:45-14:30
      For nearly 50 years, Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs) have helped businesses innovate for growth. They do this by connecting businesses that have an innovation idea with the academic expertise to help deliver it. Right now around 800 businesses, 100 knowledge bases (universities and other research organisations) and over 800 graduates are involved in KTPs – collaborative, transformative, three-way partnerships creating positive impact and driving innovation. Come along and hear how to get invovled.
    • Breakout 4: Nurturing Talent and Skills – 13:45-14:30
      Join us for an interactive session looking at the new platform from Innovate UK, No Limits and Darogan Talent. We want to transform the UK’s skills and talent pipeline by inspiring and connecting people to new opportunities. These platforms do just that. They provide a personalised experience to the user, showcasing partners’ opportunities, and enabling them to reach a wider audience. In this workshop, we will explore how you can get involved as a No Limits and Darogan partner to amplify the reach and impact of your opportunities to those who may not have been able to access them before.
    • Breakout 5: Grant Applications: What Assessors Look For – 14:45-15:30
      Securing grant funding can be a game-changer for your business or project—but only if you know how to navigate the process effectively. In this session, we’ll unpack the critical factors that determine success and failure in grant applications, equipping you with the insider knowledge you need to stand out.
    • Breakout 6: AI Adoption – 14:45-15:30
      As Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to transform industries, businesses that embrace AI gain a powerful competitive edge. But how do you adopt AI successfully? Innovate UK Bridge AI’s session will guide you through the key strategies and practical steps for integrating AI technologies to drive innovation, efficiency, and growth.
    • Breakout 7: Five Principles of Impactful Marketing – 14:45-15:30
      Marketing often feels like an elusive, ever-changing craft—some might even call it a “dark art.” But in this insightful session, we’re here to strip away the mystery and provide you with actionable, real-world marketing strategies to help you grow your brand and boost your business.
    • Networking & Event Close – 15:30-16:00

About Innovate Local

Innovate Local is a suite of regional engagement events that run throughout the year and across the UK. We work with local stakeholders to create a programme that addresses regional innovation priorities. This enables us to deliver an agenda that helps people learn more about business innovation and what it means to them and others.

Our objective is to inspire people to innovate by showcasing the support and finance that is available to help them progress along the innovation journey. We do this through a curated agenda of interactive presentations, panel sessions and workshops.

The programme is now in its 6th year and Innovate UK Business Connect has been a trusted delivery partner throughout this time, organising and delivering the Innovate Local events.

Innovate UK, part of UK Research and Innovation, is the UK’s innovation agency. It works to create a better future by inspiring, involving and investing in businesses developing life-changing innovations. Its mission is to help companies to grow through their development and commercialisation of new products, processes and services, supported by an outstanding innovation ecosystem that is agile, inclusive and easy to navigate.

Amdan Arloesi Lleol

Mae Arloesi Lleolyn gyfres o ddigwyddiadau rhanbarthol sy’n rhedeg ledled y DU. Rydym yn gweithio gyda rhanddeiliaid lleol i greu rhaglen sy’n ffocysu ar flaenoriaethau arloesi rhanbarthol. Mae hyn yn ein galluogi i gyflawni agenda sy’n helpu pobl i ddysgu mwy am arloesi busnes a’r hyn y gallai ei olygu iddyn nhw ac i eraill.

Ein hamcan ydy i ysbrydoli pobl i arloesi drwy arddangos y gwahanol fathau a lefelau o gymorth a chyllid sydd ar gael. Gwnawn hyn drwy agenda o gyflwyniadau rhyngweithiol, panelu a chyfres o weithdai.

Mae’r rhaglen Arloesi Lleol yn ei 6ed flwyddyn, a thrwy gydol y cyfnod hwn mae Innovate UK Business Connect wedi bod yn y partner darparu gan drefnu a chyflwyno’r digwyddiadau Arloesi Lleol.

Innovate UK, rhan o UK Research and Innovation, ydy asiantaeth arloesi’r DU. Mae’n gweithio tuag at greu dyfodol gwell gan ysbrydoli, cynnwys a buddsoddi mewn busnesau sy’n datblygu arloeson sy’n newid bywydau. Ei chenhadaeth yw helpu cwmnïau i dyfu trwy eu datblygiad a masnacheiddio cynhyrchion, prosesau a gwasanaethau newydd, a gefnogir trwy gymuned arloesi ragorol sy’n ystwyth, gynhwysol ac yn hawdd i’w llywio.

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Innovate Local

Innovate Local

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