You are at seed stage

It looks like we could help you. You are a pioneer in the field and you may be learning how to run the business ‘on the job'.

Here, a seed stage client and its innovation and growth specialist talk through some of the work and results they have achieved together.

Underneath the video you can find information on common priorities at this stage and below the contact form, a full array of areas we can address together.

Common priorities

Learn more about common priorities for any company at this stage in their growth journey.
  • To know where you are going, it is important to know where you are starting from. Taking time to properly assess your current business model will help you identify what you have to do and which gaps you have to prioritise.

    We take our clients through a business model canvas to make sure the building blocks are there. It looks at customer segments and your value proposition, then looks at channels to reach those audiences, as well as partners, activities and resources required to do it. Underpinning that, we clarify the cost structure and revenue streams and identify whether sufficient funds are in place.

  • This is all about proving the problem you are solving exists, proving that there is a market and that there is an opportunity. Ideally you will be able to name target customers. You have probably collected your own quantitative and qualitative data through primary and secondary sources.

    We would help by going through this with you to make sure you are looking at the right data and it is telling a realistic story. Given our connections across the innovation landscape, we would also try to source additional data for you.

  • This is a deep dive analysis and evaluation of a project’s potential, aimed at supporting the process of decision making. This is achieved by uncovering its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats as well as identifying the resources needed and the prospects for success. Feasibility studies will usually help businesses decide to work either individually or collaboratively with other industrial or research organisations, before conducting a subsequent larger project.

    We can help you find people or organisations to work with on your feasibility study. This could be a university, institute company or lab facilities. We also call upon specialists in our own network who have experience in your field to help shape your support. We often join your meetings with your potential partner to help you conclude if it is the right fit for you.

  • This is about getting your minimal viable product in place to show that innovation works – a crucial step in enticing customers or investment.

    You might create, test and iterate the prototype yourself or with a partner – which we can help you find. We would be on hand through the journey to ensure the partner adds the right value.

    In developing the prototype, getting the right intellectual property protection in place is important. We can provide high level guidance on IP, on what should and should not be protected, but would refer to an IP lawyer for detailed discussions.

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    The 9 Dimensions of Growth

    Through a deep dive analysis at the outset of our engagement with you, we can tailor our support to help you set and realise growth and innovation goals for your business. Find out more about the full 9 Dimensions audit, which is delivered by an experienced Innovate UK Business Growth innovation and growth specialist.

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