Prosthetics innovator's software improves comfort and quality of life

Prosthetics software innovator establishes new partnerships, secures grant funding and revamps its marketing strategy, all with support from Innovate UK EDGE.

Posted on: 31/08/2022

Today, 40 million people around the world suffer from limb loss, with many experiencing discomfort and pain when using prosthetics.

“If you buy a pair of shoes that don’t fit properly, you’re going to have problems with mobility, pain and injury,” says Joshua Steer, CEO, Radii Devices, “and that’s exactly what many patients experience with prosthetics.”

“The remaining limb is doing a job it was never designed to do and the tissue is often very sensitive.”

Prosthetics users often require multiple visits to a clinician before achieving a comfortable fit. Bristol-based Radii Devices is using AI and data science to significantly reduce refits. The company’s biomechanical modelling helps clinicians achieve the best, most comfortable fit for prosthetics users, improving their quality of life dramatically.

“We’re here to equip prosthetics designers with technologies used by Formula 1 and NASA engineers, helping them to save time, reduce costs and achieve the best possible outcome for patients,” says Joshua.

Radii Devices is now completing clinical trials for its technology and in 2021, it approached Innovate UK EDGE to access support for its go-to-market strategy.

Marketing support from Innovate UK EDGE

Innovate UK EDGE Innovation and Growth Specialist Phil Johnston, stepped in to help build the Radii brand ahead of the company’s first product launch.

“Phil really helped me to focus on building brand awareness from the ground up, refining those key, memorable messages for people who haven’t heard of Radii before. We really focused on where the value is for the customer and how to present it,” says Joshua.

“Having worked with Phil, we now have some momentum behind the brand which means that when we launch, it won’t be from a standing start.”

Partnership support

Building on this marketing framework, Radii next began work with Innovate UK EDGE Specialist, Jeremy Davies, on business planning. He helped Joshua to establish networks and partnerships both in the UK and overseas.

“Rather than approaching individual clinics, we decided to focus on the larger organisations, particularly those in the US, that manage clinics on a regional or national basis,” says Joshua.

“But building international relationships from your living room during a global pandemic is no mean feat.” Jeremy began by supporting Radii with market intelligence guidance, helping the company to target the right prospects with the right propositions.

“Jeremy also helped us to create effective mechanisms for establishing and growing those relationships with large corporates. We’ve since partnered with a UK company that runs 10-15 clinics across the country and submitted a joint application for an Innovate UK Biomedical Catalyst grant.”

“The work we did with Jeremy was key to getting them on board later.”

Support with approach to grant funding

Radii’s Innovate UK EDGE’s Giulia Pratico then introduced Adele Reynolds, to provide critical appraisal of Radii’s Biomedical Catalyst grant application.

“When we began working with Adele, we were near the end of the application process and were happy with the submission. But she was able to step in and make a few critical suggestions that took our application up another level,” says Joshua.

Innovate UK EDGE Specialist Alan McLeod also provided advice and guidance to Radii on its regulatory strategy.

“AI within healthcare is a rapidly evolving regulatory environment and Alan’s insights really helped strengthen the quality of our application.”

Radii was awarded a Biomedical Catalyst grant in June 2022 and will use the funds to progress its technical development and clinical trials.

A critical friend

Radii’s support journey has been orchestrated by Innovate UK EDGE Innovation and Growth Specialist, Giulia Pratico.

“Giulia’s been fantastic – she understood our business, directed us towards the best support possible and reacted quickly when we faced challenges” says Joshua.

Innovate UK EDGE will continue to support as this software innovator prepares to launch its first product, dramatically improving quality of life for people living with amputation.

Giulia’s been fantastic – she understood our business, directed us towards the best support possible and reacted quickly when we faced challenges.

– Joshua Steer, CEO, Radii Devices

Find out more about Innovate UK EDGE.

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