Raw Materials

As the world moves towards a greener future, we are changing the demand profile on certain raw materials. At the same, world population rises, resulting in an ever-increasing demand for energy and products which puts gradual pressure on raw materials (and their supply chains), contributing to the generation of more and more waste.

We believe the chemical and industrial biotechnology community can play a key role in enabling the transition to a Net Zero in the UK, whilst also providing technology solutions to enable a more Circular Economy. Two key areas we have been working in recently are:

  • Enabling the UK chemical supply chain for Electric Vehicle Batteries
  • Developing a Capability Map for develop the key process technologies required to convert alternative feedstocks into chemical products.

Our team has deep sector expertise that can support you in solving challenges related to Raw Materials and Waste Valorisation. We are working with organisations across the UK to accelerate the transition to Net Zero, supporting innovators develop chemical and industrial biotech solutions, that can help enable a more circular economy.

Peter Clark

Our Expert

Peter Clark

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Related Events and Recordings


Net Zero Chemical Manufacturing - Unlocking the power of biotechnology to transform the UK chemicals industry webinar

10.00 - 12.30 | Online

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Sustainable bio-based Materials and Manufacture (SusBioMM) Cafes

10.00 - 10.45 | Online

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