Electromagnetic Spectrum
What makes our modern lives relatively easy, interconnected and seamless is this seldom thought of, but very vital soft infrastructure – the electromagnetic spectrum.
Electromagnetic Spectrum
|Funding Opportunities
|Case Studies
The digital world on which we have come to rely (Wi-Fi, Internet of Things, radio broadcasts to name a few) is underpinned by this invisible finite resource, but it lacks resilience and is rapidly becoming the widest open door for anyone who wants to disrupt critical services. In order for future innovative solutions to function, both effectively and safely, this needs to be addressed. Understanding the resilience of new approaches will also be important in developing innovative solutions which draw on electromagnetic energy (EME), without congesting this further.
The Electromagnetic Spectrum Innovation Network aims to draw on the combined knowledge of various sectors to identify key cross-sector challenges and deliver progress on those that need to be addressed. With Innovate UK Business Connect’s vast sectorial expertise and networks, we are well placed to align overlapping challenges and solutions.
Click here to see all open funding opportunities in the Digital sector.
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