AgriFood Innovation Showcase 2025 - Building a sustainable food system

Join us to discover the future of the UK’s largest manufacturing sector at the AgriFood Innovation Showcase. This event unites innovators, stakeholders, and experts to inspire sustainable solutions, drive collaboration, and shape a healthier, nature positive food system.

Event Details


09.00 - 16.00



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About this event

The UK food and drink industry is a vital part of the nation’s £120 billion farm-to-fork food chain. It is also the UK’s largest manufacturing sector, contributing £29 billion to the economy and employing 440,000 people.

Today the food system and wider society face several challenges. Therefore, innovation will play a critical role in the drive towards a sustainable and safe food system that delivers healthier affordable food.

Who should attend?

This event is for stakeholders, people and organisations involved at all stages of the food and drink supply chain and is designed to inspire, connect and empower those driving change. If you are interested or active in innovation to find solutions for a nature positive food system, don’t miss this chance to shape the future of this critical sector.

Why should you attend?

The event will foster cross-sector collaboration, bringing together a diverse community to exchange ideas, forge strategic partnerships, and explore innovation opportunities. Companies and innovators will showcase their pioneering products and technologies, providing attendees the chance to connect with key players in the industry, investors, and potential future partners.

Those that join us at this event will benefit from attending as we will be:

  • Bringing together key stakeholders operating in the food system.
  • Raising awareness to the benefits and impact of working with Innovate UK and Innovate UK Business Connect, and of the products and services available.
  • Facilitating new connections and innovative discussions around working better together, and the adoption of existing innovative technologies to support with the ‘net zero journey’ in agriculture and food production.
  • Connecting the supply chain to support innovation across its component parts.
  • Identifying priority areas for research and development.
  • Building momentum and excitement around the potential of innovating together and working on solutions to shared challenges.
  • Showcasing Innovate UK/UKRI funded projects.
  • Providing the opportunity for previously funded projects to connect, establish synergies and innovate further.
  • Disseminating opportunities around Innovate UK funding and innovation support.
  • Encouraging sector engagement with Innovate UK and Innovate UK Business Connect.

Event highlights

There is a lot to look forward to at this event. The following will be taking place during this AgriFood Innovation Showcase:

  • Healthy Living and Agrifood System session: Hear from speakers who will share insight on innovation projects that address and impact this area.
  • Net Zero session: Discussion on retailers and manufacturers needs around net zero and challenge areas for which they seek solutions.
  • Technologies session: Hear from experts and innovators on advances in this area.
  • SME Marketplace: SME exhibition, short pitch sessions and networking. To register your interest in Exhibiting within the marketplace register here.
  • Business support zone: Find out what industry support is available.
  • Hear from funders: Dissemination of relevant funding opportunities for the sector that are live/upcoming.
  • Cross-Industry collaboration: enabling the cross-pollination of ideas and sparking new innovations that will drive future success.
  • Networking: introductions and innovation exchanges.

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