Analysis for Innovators (A4I) Programme Round 6 briefing
Round 6 of the very successful Analysis for Innovators (A4I) Programme will open shortly. Attend this briefing to understand the objectives and scope of the competition and how to apply to the Expression of Interest Stage.
The A4I programme has successfully run five times between in 2016 and 2020. This sixth round of the programme builds upon that experience.
It will focus on assisting UK based SME businesses.
Webinar recording is now available
The programme’s aim is to help boost a company’s productivity or competitiveness. It is focused on helping individual companies solve tricky and perhaps long running technical problems affecting existing processes. It achieves this by bringing the UK’s top scientists and facilities, often otherwise inaccessible, together with companies to address problems in innovative ways.
Analysis for Innovators (A4I) is a very different type of programme from Innovate UK’s usual grant funding competitions. It funds collaborative innovating projects between the company and one, or more, of the UK’s leading measurement laboratories. The partners available are:
- the National Physical Laboratory (NPL)
- the National Measurement Laboratory at LGC (formerly known as the Laboratory of the Government Chemist)
- the National Engineering Laboratory (NEL) and
- the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC)
For further information on the A4I programme see the A4I website or the individual partner websites.
For further advice or support, please contact KTN email:
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Analysis for Innovators
Innovate UK Analysis for Innovators can help boost productivity and competitiveness in your business through solving existing problems.