BBSRC – STFC Facility Access Funding for Bioscience Partnerships: Briefing Event

Watch our recording of the funding programme online briefing event in partnership with the BBSRC and STFC, recorded 5th Dec 2022.

Event Details


10.00 - 14.45



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Download the slides from each presenter:
Lee Beniston
Ric Allott
Mary Jenkinson-Finch
Luke Clifton
Jian Lu
Kathryn Welsby
David Chisholm
Alisa Powell
Wuge Briscoe
Francis Lee
Graham Doe

About the opportunity

Unprecedented opportunities exist for the bioscience community to contribute to transforming lives, redefining markets, and addressing the complex and longer-term socioeconomic challenges faced by humanity.

About the event

We invite you to watch the online briefing event to introduce the programme and provide insight into STFC’s unique national capabilities and facilities.

Who is the event for and why should you attend?

The event is for businesses of all sizes, inclusive of all processors, and commercial end users. We welcome any businesses, academics and researchers interested in resolving their innovation challenges.

By watching this webinar, you will:

  • Learn more about STFCs wide ranging and comprehensive capabilities, including those lending themselves to industrial biotechnology led discovery research (neutrons, x-rays, lasers, high performance computing, big data and cognitive technologies)
  • Find out more about the available funding
  • Meet the experts who may very well have the solutions to your innovation needs
  • Identify collaboration opportunities

BBSRC – STFC Facility Access Funding for Bioscience Partnerships overview:

  • Projects are expected to cost up to £100,000. They can be undertaken any time over a 12-month period (subject to scheduling of STFC facilities) starting April 1st, 2023
  • Projects must end by March 31st, 2024
  • Projects must consist of a partnership between at least one eligible academic organisation and at least one eligible business organisation.
  • This programme will fund access to STFC facilities and staff expertise as part of the total project cost.
  • BBSRC and STFC will cover 100% of the facility costs, and 80% of the full economic cost of the academic component.
  • Companies are expected to provide a contribution (between 30% – 50%) based on a percentage of the STFC facility cost. This is dependent on company size. This may be an in-kind or direct contribution to the project cost.
  • The programme will cover the academic component at 80% full economic cost, with your research organisation covering the other 20%.

*If you’re a business but don’t have an academic partner, the BBSRC & STFC can assist in pairing you up with the perfect academic partner aligned to your specific challenge requirements.


If you’d like more information about this event, please contact


10:00 – Welcome (Raj Mistry, Innovate UK KTN)
10:05 – Introduction from BBSRC & STFC (Lee Beniston & Ric Allott)
10.20 – Programme overview (Mary Jenkinson, BBSRC)
10.30 – ISIS (Neutrons) overview (Luke Clifton)
10.40 – ISIS case study (Jian Lu, Manchester University)
10:55 – CLF overview (Kathryn Welsby)
11:05 – CLF case study (David Chisholm, LightOx)
11:20 – Diamond Light Source (X-rays) overview (Alisa Powell)
11:30 – Diamond case study (Wuge Briscoe, University of Bristol)
11:40 – Hartree Centre – HPC and Platform as a service overview (Francis Lee)
11:50 – Introduction of Konfer (Talah Omran, NCUB)
11:55 – Introduction to Airmeet (Raj Mistry, Innovate UK KTN)
12:00 – Meet the experts and networking
13:00 – Lunch
13:30 – Meet the experts and networking
13:30 – Demonstration of Konfer (Talah Omran, NCUB)
14:30 – Close out – application process overview (Mary Jenkinson-Finch, BBSRC)
14:40 – Close (Raj Mistry, Innovate UK KTN)

Partner information

The Science and Technology Facility Council (STFC) are the UK’s largest science organisation working across a number of specialist research areas. They are responsible for managing and advancing the UK’s large-scale science facilities as well as making them accessible to academia and industry. They have a mission to discover the secrets of the universe, developing advanced technologies and innovating to solve real world challenges.

Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) are a major funder of world-leading bioscience in the UK and proudly forge interdisciplinary collaborations where excellent bioscience plays a fundamental role. Through their investments, they support the delivery of disruptive discoveries and the development of bio-based solutions that contribute to tackling global challenges, such as sustainable food production, climate change, and healthy ageing.

Related Opportunities

BBSRC-STFC facility access funding for bioscience partnerships

Opens: 28/11/2022   Closes: 06/01/2023

Businesses looking to solve industrially-relevant research and innovation challenges are invited to form bioscience partnerships, using the Science and Technology Facilities Council’s skills, expertise, capabilities and world class facilities.

More Information

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