Future Flight Fridays: Batteries for Aviation
KTN’s new webinar series for any industry sector interested in the Future Flight Challenge.
In collaboration with the KTN’s Cross Sector Battery Systems Innovation Network, join us to hear about how battery technology is developing across the UK and how it could be applied to the aviation sector.
Webinar recording is now available
In this session we aim to:
- Tell you about KTN and Innovate UK activities regarding batteries and their use across sectors
- Provide an overview of how batteries could be utilised in aviation
- Provide information on the current activities around batteries in aviation
Future Flight Fridays is KTN’s new webinar series that will help anyone interested in becoming involved in this programme to foster collaborations and share knowledge.
The Future Flight Challenge is a four year, £125m, Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund programme. Future Flight aims to revolutionise the way people, goods and services fly. It will support the development of a novel, integrated aviation system.
This challenge needs expertise from diverse sectors, not just aviation. The monthly webinar series will feature topics from various relevant sectors including creative industries, digital, infrastructure and law.