Future Technology Deep Dives - Nature Inspired Materials

Throughout 2024 Innovate UK’s Horizon Scanning team is running a series of future-looking, online sessions on various sub-topics and technologies related to the UK’s critical technologies and beyond.

Event Details


10.00 - 12.00



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This deeper dive, technology focused event, brings together expert industry and academic speakers to give their views over a medium-long term (15-20 year) timeframe.

What to expect

Expert guest speakers will pull insights together into a future view of the topic. Delegates are then invited to join facilitated breakout groups to comment on their views, hopes, concerns and expectations, given background and experience.

Following the event a summary of the discussions and debate are provided to delegates.

For Innovate UK and its partners across UKRI and Government we use the outputs to inform strategy and other areas of our activity.

About the event

One of the exciting ways of innovating future solutions is to extend the number of ways that we can use approaches and ideas from nature for our own purposes. Animals and plants work in amazing ways. As we understand more about these mechanisms, it will be possible to deploy technology solutions which in some way mimic the living world. This event looks at examples of how, what and where this could happen and what the advantages could be.

Innovate UK – Horizon Scanning
Posted on: 06/12/2023

Innovate UK – Horizon Scanning

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