Innovate Local South West
Industry and innovation in Cornwall & Isles of Scilly is limitless, with more businesses setting up here than ever before. With this, brings strong opportunities in growing sectors such as space and data, digital e-Health and natural energy resources.
This event is relevant for all innovative businesses, with a focus on the investable growth prospects that exist across the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly industrial base.
Webinar recordings are now available
Key themes
Industry and innovation in Cornwall & Isles of Scilly is limitless, with more businesses setting up here than ever before. With this, brings strong opportunities in growing sectors such as space and data, digital e-Health and natural energy resources. This event is relevant for all innovative businesses, and will have a focus for part of the day on the opportunities that exist within:
- Space & data
- Energy & environment
- Creative & digital
- Agri-food
- Tourism
- University collaboration
- Skills
Why attend?
This event will provide information on the support you can access to grow and scale your business:
- Develop a new idea
- Access funding opportunities
- Access networks to find new partners and collaborators
- Learn about the growing industries in Cornwall & Isles of Scilly
- Hear from successful businesses and their growth journey
- Find out about the local economic priorities and the growth opportunities for businesses developing new ideas, products and services throughout Cornwall & Isles of Scilly and the South West
- Meet with national and local support agencies including Innovate UK Edge, Innovate UK KTN and CIoS Growth & Skills Hub. They can help you form collaborative partnerships, undertake Research and Development, access funding and finance and develop skills and talent for your business
- Listen to local businesses discuss their innovation journeys and network with potential partners and clients to fast track your new ideas and innovate.
- Find out how you can benefit from academic collaboration
What is Innovate Local?
The Innovate Local Programme is a suite of regional engagement events that promote Innovate UK and UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) objectives. We work with local stakeholders to create an event that addresses regional innovation priorities and workshops to help businesses learn more about the grants and innovation process.
Our objective is to reach out to local businesses and demonstrate the types and levels of support available. In addition, to inspire them to look at innovation in their business through the presentation and panel sessions.
The Programme is now in its 5th year and Innovate UK KTN has been a trusted delivery partner throughout this time, organising and delivering the Innovate Local events.
9:30 – Welcome and Keynotes
11:00 – Regional Case Studies
12:00 – Business Leadership Panel
13:30 – Workshops
Related programme

Innovate Local
Working alongside partners, businesses and stakeholders, Innovate UK hosts this series of events to help innovative businesses maximise their success.