Innovate UK's Net Zero Living Programme: Competition briefing

Innovate UK and Innovate UK KTN co-hosted a briefing event on 31st October, to provide further information about the funding available as part of the £60m Net Zero Living programme.

Event Details


13.30 - 15.00



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About the programme

The UK is struggling to achieve its net zero target; from our research and engagement, a place-based approach can provide wider societal benefits in the journey to Net Zero and stimulate UK business growth at the same time, in the deployment of locally-appropriate and effective net zero interventions.

Local authorities hold the key to implementing solutions that could directly address or influence up to 30% of our total carbon emissions and help facilitate even more, through their influence in planning decisions, policy setting and defining local goals.

We understand that there are many barriers preventing the scale and adoption of net zero solutions including capacity, funding, governance, regulation and procurement. So, we are designing a programme to help places to overcome these non-technical barriers, and to take a systems-based approach to delivering net zero.

Innovate UK are looking for places to become Net Zero Pathfinders. They will invest up to £2 million in innovation projects, to support up to 30 places, in phase 1 of a potential 2 phase competition. This is for local authorities and businesses to develop detailed local plans for innovative approaches to unlock non-technical systemic barriers to the delivery of net zero targets.

Applicants must be able to demonstrate experience in delivering net zero projects and have  a deep understanding of the opportunities and barriers to delivery of net zero objectives. You must consider the whole net zero system in your area, including:

  • power
  • heat
  • mobility
  • product manufacture and usage

This must be across domestic, commercial and industrial users, as appropriate for the area. Links to other sectors are also welcome where relevant to the delivery of local Net Zero targets.

Phase 2 will fund up to 6 Pathfinder places, with up to £8 million per project to deliver your innovative approach to support a fair and equitable transition to net zero in the UK.

Learn more here.

Related programme

Net Zero Living

Net Zero Living

Innovate UK’s £60 million, three-year Net Zero Living programme aims to help regional authorities and businesses accelerate the transition to net zero, across the UK and internationally.


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