Novel packaging materials – what are the challenges and future trends?

Research and innovation in novel packaging materials is gathering pace, and this workshop will explore what issues need to be overcome to allow bio-based and compostable packaging materials to make a positive contribution to reducing plastic packaging waste.

Event Details


10.00 - 15.30



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About the event

UK Research & Innovation’s Smart Sustainable Plastics Packaging Challenge delivered by Innovate UK has been has been funding activity for those developing novel materials that can be used in packaging applications since 2019.

Targeted at material producers and innovators in this field, as well as the packaging supply chain, waste management professionals, and the academic community, the event will cover hot topics for these materials, including:

  • the challenges in scaling up their manufacture and use
  • the current legislatory and regulatory landscape in the UK
  • communications and labelling considerations
  • end-of-life options

The event, organised by UKRI’s Smart Sustainable Plastic Packaging Challenge, delivered by Innovate UK, and Innovate UK’s Sustainable Bio-based Materials and Manufacture, will also provide an opportunity to learn about the range of current innovations being supported by Innovate UK and to develop a collaborative network to maximise the potential of these materials in the packaging space.


09.00 – Arrival and refreshments

10:00 – Welcome and introduction to the SSPP Challenge and novel materials – Nick Cliffe Innovate UK

10:15 – The current position for bio-based & compostable packaging materials, BBIA

10:30 – The breadth of bio- materials for packaging, Materiom

10:45 – Learnings on Infrastructure and Systems, Compostable coalition

11:00 – Labelling of novel materials, OPRL

11.10 – Quick Pitch Event from novel materials companies.

11:30 – Break

11:45 – Workshop Session AM

Workshop 1. Making Alternate Materials at scale – Planning for scale up production of your novel material in the UK. Are there specific issues with feedstocks?

Workshop 2. Regulation & Legislation – How are novel materials affected by current, future or ‘absent’ regulation and legislation, incl. Plastic Packaging Tax, EPR, Product Bans, DRS, Simpler Recycling etc.

13:00 – Lunch & Networking

14:00 – Views from companies, Xampla, NotPLA & Aquapak

14:30 – Workshop session PM

3. Labelling & Communicating – How should we talk and communicate about novel materials, what they are made from and what you can do with them?

4. Dropping In – How can novel materials be used by the current / existing supply chain with minimal cost or hassle?

15:45 – Workshop Ends, Next steps and close Sally/Nick

Attendees are free to stay and network until 17:00.

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