Opportunities in Horizon Europe: The Energy Series
Join us for this event series to gain useful information on upcoming Horizon Europe Energy Calls, which can help you form international collaborations and strategic partnerships.
Recordings and slides now available
Decarbonisation of the Built Environment Community Building and Brokerage event slides
Clean Hydrogen Community Building Brokerage event slides
The Innovate UK Europe team, in partnership with the UK Science & Innovation Network (UK SIN) are delighted to invite potential Horizon Europe applicants to our Energy Event Series.
For more information on each session, please see the agenda below. Registrants will be able to choose which of the above sessions they wish to attend when completing the booking form.
We are hoping to confirm additional dates in early 2024.
Horizon Europe Decarbonisation of the Built Environment Community Building and Brokerage Event
25 January 2024 – 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM GMT | 10:30 AM – 1:00PM CET
- 09:30 Welcome & Aims of the Day – Jane Watkins
- 09:40 Introduction & Call Topic Overview – Built4People Partnership, Alain Zarli
- 10:00 Decarbonisation of the built environment Landscapes in the UK, and focus countries and Panel Discussion
Denmark – Christina Grann Myrdal, Head of Innovation, We Build Denmark
Sweden – Anna Land, Programme Manager at The Swedish Centre for Innovation and Quality in the Built Environment
UK – Mat Colmer, Senior Innovation Lead: Construction and Net Zero, Innovate UK - 10:30 Break
- 10:35 How to get ready for Horizon Europe and find the right partners?
National Contact Point to cover where applicants can find help and support within their respective country. - 10:50 Case Study – Simeon Oxizidis, Proposal Manager, Integrated Environmental Solutions
- 11:00-11:10 – Q&A
- 11:10 Pitching Session
- 11:30 Closing Remarks
- 11:35 Event closes
Horizon Europe Clean Hydrogen Partnership Community Building and Brokerage Event
1 February 2024 – 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM GMT | 10:30 AM – 1:00PM CET
Both events focus on the pitching of project ideas and brokering of partnerships for European research and innovation collaborations, and networking for the Horizon Europe calls under Cluster 5: Climate, Energy and Mobility, and the relevant energy and clean hydrogen call topics.
Who can attend?
The event is suitable for anyone (UK or other countries) with an interest in European research and innovation projects and looking to either submit a proposal idea as a lead coordinator or join a consortium for the 2024 Call Topics.
The Call Topics being discussed in the first event of the series on the 25 January are below:
Key for Call Topics
Linked Call Title
Topic ID, Deadline, Type of Action, Budget (€), Number of Projects to be funded
- Industrialisation of sustainable and circular deep renovation workflows (Built4People Partnership) – HORIZON-CL5-2024-D4-02-01, 05-Sept-24, IA, €8m, 2
- Robotics and other automated solutions for construction, renovation and maintenance in a sustainable built environment (Built4People Partnership) – HORIZON-CL5-2024-D4-02-02, 05-Sept-24, RIA, €4m, 2
- BIM-based processes and digital twins for facilitating and optimising circular energy renovation (Built4People) – HORIZON-CL5-2024-D4-02-03, 05-Sept-24, IA, €4m, 2
- Design for adaptability, re-use and deconstruction of buildings, in line with the principles of circular economy (Built4People Partnership) – HORIZON-CL5-2024-D4-02-04, 05-Sept-24, RIA, €4m, 2
- Digital solutions to foster participative design, planning and management of buildings, neighbourhoods and urban districts (Built4People) – HORIZON-CL5-2024-D4-02-05, 05-Sept-24, IA, €5m, 2
- Low-disruptive renovation processes using integration of prefabricated solutions for energy-efficient buildings – HORIZON-CL5-2024-D4-01-01, 18-Apr-24, IA, €5m, 2
- Smart grid-ready buildings -HORIZON-CL5-2024-D4-01-02, 18-Apr-24, IA, €5m, 2
The Call Topics being discussed in the second event of the series on the 1 February are below:
(The Clean Hydrogen Partnership topics are not yet publicly available but will cover the following themes)
- Hydrogen production
- Hydrogen distribution
- Hydrogen storage
- Hydrogen transmission
Why should I attend?
This Horizon Europe Energy Event Series will provide an update since the UK’s formal association to Horizon Europe (please see the dedicated UK Association to Horizon Europe webinar) for more details and to provide useful information on forthcoming 2024 Horizon Europe Calls which can help you to start forming international collaborations and strategic partnerships.
Project idea pitch opportunity
We have included the opportunity for a handful of companies to present a 5 min pitch of their innovative project idea to aid consortium building. Please indicate on your registration form whether you would like to take advantage of the company pitching opportunity.
NOTE: Pitches are subject to availability. We will contact you following your registration to provide instructions as to how to submit your pitch, and later confirm if you have secured a place for your pitch. A 1-slide pitch template will be provided.
Case study
Where possible, the webinar will feature a case study from a previous applicant to provide helpful insights as to what to expect during the submission process and project duration.
Meet your National Contact Points
As well as the dedicated Q&A session, the contact details of Horizon Europe National Contact Points and the Innovate UK Europe team will be provided to help you arrange 1-1 meetings should you need to ask any specific or more confidential questions.
Related programme

Horizon Europe
Explore information on the UK’s official Horizon Europe Hub to help guide you on your innovation journey.