Resource efficiency and world-class production in materials and manufacturing workshop
To support realising our material and manufacturing vision 2050, on 28 February 2024, Innovate UK and Innovate UK KTN will be hosting a workshop in Birmingham to explore how to make step changes in world-class production.
About the event
The Innovate UK vision for 2050 delves into the challenges and opportunities that lie in front of the UK materials and manufacturing sectors. It is an invitation to reimagine materials and manufacturing together. This sprint was announced in a recent article and focuses on world-class production, which is one of the five core areas of the vision.
For world-class production the UK needs to have flexible production capacity, minimal material waste, high-quality products, high productivity, and adaptable operations. The sprint aims to demonstrate how we could make step changes in manufacturing and production. We will cover novel technologies, methodologies, capabilities, and know-how at the relevant manufacturing scales to deliver the desired environmental, societal, and economic benefits.
Joining this event, you will have the opportunity to engage and network with the manufacturing community and input into how the UK can achieve low carbon world-class production. As part of the workshop, we will explore the role of technology stacks, where each stack looks to joins the dots and has been defined as:
Technology, methodology and capability trends that when combined create a platform to accelerate world-class production.
If you have a production challenge or a solution then we are keen to hear from you and learn about your thoughts on the role of innovation and technology stacks that can bring about disruptive step changes in UK production and resource efficiency, across the materials and manufacturing supply. We want input from manufacturers and solution providers (SME’s and large organisations), investors, policy makers and academics.
Look out for our latest article coming soon where you can hear more about world-class production and technology stacks from Innovate UK’s Innovation lead.
- 10:00 – Arrival and registration
- 10:30 – Welcome (Michael Burnett, Knowledge Transfer Manager, Innovate UK KTN)
- 10:35 – Innovate UK Reimaging Materials & Manufacturing Vision / World Class Production & Introducing Technology Stacks (Chaco van der Sijp, Innovation Lead, Innovate UK / Michael Burnett, Innovate UK KTN)
- 11:00 – Case Studies including: AMTech, Frazer Nash Consultancy, Lauren Ednie, Advanced Manufacturing Technology Lead / Ian Bunce, Manging Consultant – Advanced Nuclear Croda, James Birbeck, Process Innovation Manager
- 11:30 – Tea/Coffee Break
- 11:45 – Quick fire examples of organisations challenges/capabilities from: Autocraft, Mike Hague-Morgan, Executive Director, Q5D, Peter Todd, Product / Manager STFC Hartree, Jonathan Smith, Business Development Manager
- 12:15 – Workshop sessions 1: Networking and exploring production and technology needs, capabilities and offerings
- 13:00 – Lunch
- 13:45 – Workshop session 2: Developing Technology Stacks
- 14:45 – Tea/Coffee Break
- 15:00 – Workshop Session 3: Technology Stack Review (review other canvases)
- 15:30 – Feedback Session
- 15:50 – Wrap-up and closing Remarks
- 16:00 – Close
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