Scaling Up and Commercialising Metamaterials
The Commercialising Metamaterials Innovation Network brings you its next workshop in our winter series. This webinar will bring together a variety of experts who can offer organisations the support they need to successfully scale up and commercialise.
Once an aspect of metamaterials technology has been identified with the potential in a particular application, there is a need to look to scale up the production to develop demonstrators and prototypes. This activity is often associated with a start-up or SME since the technology is brought in from research. The needs of these small enterprises in progressing, from this first step to commercialisation, can include a variety of services offered from academia to investors. Very often investors will only be interested in further steps to commercialise or upscale.
Webinar recording and slides are now available
Find the slides here.
This webinar will bring together a variety of experts who can offer organisations the support they need to successfully scale up and commercialise. This includes modelling services from academia; advanced manufacturing scale up from catapults and academia; innovation funding and investor access from Government-funded organisations; early-stage design expertise to ensure capture of best product and application, to name just a few.
Collaboration and Networking
We will be offering businesses the opportunity to network with support organisations in metamaterials and with other organisations within the supply chain, through our online collaboration tool. Remember to book your slot – further details to be provided upon registration.
10:00 – Welcome & house rules | Neil Witten, Innovate UK
10:10 – Innovation support for SMEs and Spinouts | Neil Witten, Innovate UK
10:20 – The Innovation Canvas | John Bound, KTN
10:35 – Access to markets and Pitch Training | Stephen O’Leary, Innovate UK EDGE
10:45 – Support for scale up and de-risking | Alf Smith, Centre for Process Innovation
10:55 – Academic Support
Modelling | Alex Powell/Tim Starkey, Exeter University
Additive Manufacturing | Lyudmila Turyanska, Nottingham University
11:15 – Design and engaging with designers | Duncan Fitzsimons, 7th- Design & Invention
11:30 – Access to Finance: What investors are looking for? | Emma Fadlon, KTN
11:45 – Q&A | Neil Witten, Innovate UK
12:00 – Lunch
12:30 – One-to One Meetings are available with all the speakers plus experts in R&D Tax Credits and Intellectual Property. There will also be a representative of a company that specialises in Scale Up support – Melissa Riley of TWI.
14:00 – Close
About the Metamaterials Innovation Network
Like all Innovation Networks run by KTN, the aim is to convene people who wouldn’t normally meet; to learn, connect and explore opportunities. This Innovation Network is a 2-year project run by KTN to ensure successful commercial exploitation and technology transfer of metamaterials through brokered or encouraged collaboration. Sign up here to become a part of the community and receive regular updates.
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Innovation Networks
Through our Innovation Network programme, we’ve united some of the best minds and greatest thinkers from across the UK in areas of innovation, development and new technologies.