The Challenge of Textiles Circularity
Explore innovations tackling textile recycling challenges and advancing circular solutions. Featuring insights from experts at Worn Again, Circle 8, Stuff4Life Workwear, and Matoha, this event highlights cutting-edge technologies reshaping sustainable fashion and reuse.
Recording now available
About the event
The current challenges for recycling lie in the automation of the sorting of end-of-life textiles. Whilst there is efficient recycling of those wearable that can be sold through charities and secondhand vintage clothing outlets, there remains a challenge in automating, and therefore improving the efficiency of reuse of materials in those that have reached the end of a useful second chance.
Worn Again’s chemical processing takes polyester and cotton back to circular materials. Its related company Circle 8 is developing a sorting and pre-processing facility to feed existing mechanical and chemical recycling.
Stuff4Life Workwear is working to develop and-of life solutions to workwear using polyester depolymerisation to generate as-good-as -new feedstock for remanufacture.
Matoha and its FabriTe technology can rapidly identify man-made and blended fibres.
Come and join us for an online panel discussion on the 13th of February at 14.30 and hear our experts chat and answer questions about the current challenges to textile and fashion recycling and reuse/remanufacture as we seek to make the supply chain more sustainable and circular in nature.