Transport Decarbonisation Demonstrators Competition Networking Event
Come and join us for this online matchmaking event on the 6 December at 1:30pm – 3:30pm for the £2 million Transport Decarbonisation Demonstrators programme, delivered by Innovate UK and funded by the Department for Transport (DfT).
A reminder that to be an eligible collaboration, the lead must collaborate with a minimum of at least one grant claiming Local Authority (LA) as part of their project team.
All interested parties who still require project partners should be attending. We will be using a platform called Airmeet which will allow speed and virtual table networking throughout the two-hour event.
We will also be holding two drop in surgery sessions on 11 and 12 December at 12 noon. These are informal affairs on Zoom, where you will get to speak to both innovate UK and Innovate UK KTN personnel and ask any questions you may have about the competition.
Who is this event for?
This event will benefit business of all sizes (micro, SME and large), academics, RTO, and local authorities.
Related programme

Decarbonisation of Transport
For the UK to meet Net Zero, decarbonisation of transport will be a key focus for local and regional authorities across the UK as they can influence up to a third of the total emissions in their area.