Virtual Study Group - The Future of the High Street
A three-day virtual study group to address the challenges involved in city centre regeneration.
Developed by Innovate UK Business Connect in collaboration with the Scottish Cities Alliance Team on behalf of V-KEMS and supported by the KE Hub, this three-day virtual study group aims to bring mathematical scientists and other disciplines together to address challenges involved in city centre regeneration.
Many town centre high streets have been in decline for decades leaving them with boarded-up shops, the absence of local traders, and few shoppers due to their migration to out-of-town shopping malls. In this online study group, we will focus on the application of mathematical sciences to explore how regeneration could be catalysed.
Aims and objectives
The aim of this event is to bring together those working in mathematical and data sciences, mathematical modelling, town planning, city centre regeneration, social aspects of city centre living, and so on to address the challenges involved in high street development for the benefit of society.
Aims and Objectives
- Examining the impact of the 20 year lease.
- Exploring the impact of existing retail and leisure developments outwith the city centre on the objectives of city centres strategies and investment plans?
- The repopulation of Scottish city centres.
A useful additional output would be the collation of information for each challenge on existing data, e.g its consistency across cities, richness, accessibility, information about data that would be useful but is missing, and so on.
For more information on the three key challenges, and the discussion points this study group will examine, please read the accompanying document.
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