Strengthening the Investment Pipeline

Lack of access to finance can be a major barrier to innovation. Often this has less to do with lack of funding, and more to do with visibility and understanding between sources of funding and innovators seeking that funding.

Introduction to Strengthening the Investment Pipeline

Global Alliance Africa is able to provide support through its Strengthening the Investment Pipeline intervention which works to improve mutual understanding of needs and opportunities between investor and innovator communities through a combination of community and capacity building, upskilling innovation support and match-making activities. Events and workshops will provide innovator communities with the knowledge and capacity to better access funding and investment opportunities.

Activities such as Capacity Building Events, Documented Case Studies, Innovation Canvas Training and Access to Funding and Investment Support will reduce barriers in the investment pipeline.


Innovation Canvas Training

The Global Alliance Africa team has deployed Innovation Canvas Training in Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa. The training is designed to help ensure that innovation is delivered with maximum impact and is an important tool for novel innovators-turned-entrepreneurs, to help them identify solutions to important challenges in the product development process. Innovation Canvas training helps prioritise what actions you should take next.

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