2019 SIG reports now available
Reports have now been released for the SIGs that concluded in 2019. These can be accessed via the links below.
KTN’s Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are key projects that focus on driving innovation between seemingly disparate sectors that will benefit from the collaboration of their various stakeholders. The SIGs are KTN’s most well-recognised collaboration projects, delivering to key areas that have been identified as important to the UK’s economy and have the potential of setting up the UK as a global leader. In 2019, ten SIGs came to a close, with in-depth learnings and recommendations across the sectors involved.
The concluded SIGs were:
Compound Semiconductor Applications
Graphene and other 2D Materials
Uncertainty Quantification and Management
Robotics and AI (has received further funding and is carrying on into 2021)
Quantum Technology (has received further funding and will be carrying on into 2021)
The very successful Robotics & AI Industry Showcase will be back in 2021, after the positive feedback and collaborations that came about from the inaugural event in 2019.
The Quantum Technology SIG has also been extended due to its cross sector importance and potential in the variety of applications.
There will be a new set of SIGs launching in April 2020, so stay tuned for more thought-provoking learnings and initiatives for future development of the UK’s economy through innovation.