Agri-food funding round-up

Find out about the latest funding calls of relevance to the agriculture and food & drink manufacturing sectors. Last updated August 2022.
Our funding pages have been updated and are now much easier to use: click here for a list of all open agri-food funding opportunities.
See below for older and ongoing opportunities.
The funding landscape can be complex, so KTN’s Agri-Food team have compiled a list of some of the latest funding calls of relevance for the agriculture and food & drink manufacturing sectors, bringing them together in one place – find out more below.
The team will be happy to help if you wish to find out more about these or other funding opportunities, need help finding collaborative partners, or are seeking advice on how to apply for funding. Please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Knowledge Transfer Partnerships
If you have an idea for your business but not all the in-house expertise needed to develop it, a Knowledge Transfer Partnership KTP may be the perfect solution. KTP creates a dynamic three-way collaboration – between a business, a UK university or research organisation, and a suitably qualified graduate (KTP Associate) – to help realise a strategic innovation project, bring about transformative change and embed new capability. KTP has helped over 12,000 businesses in its 45 year history and today there are around 800 live KTP projects spanning all industry sectors right across the UK. Funding competitions for KTP and mKTP are open throughout the year. The next competition opens on 20th June 2022. Talk to your local Knowledge Transfer Adviser in the first instance.
Management Knowledge Transfer Partnerships
Just like our highly effective KTP programme, Management KTPs (MKTPs) create a dynamic 3-way partnership between your company, a team of academic experts and a skilled graduate. The focus of a MKTP is specifically on increasing effectiveness and improving results through better management practices.
These have the same funding deadlines as KTPs – click here for full details.
Applications are open all year round, with the next competition opening on 20th June 2022.
Food & Agriculture Science Transformer (FAST) programme
Funding programme for career researchers with an interest in science entrepreneurship
Deep Science Ventures and the University of Edinburgh have launched the Food & Agriculture Science Transformer (FAST) programme to design and launch a contingent of innovative high growth start-ups operating exclusively in the agriculture sector. They are currently recruiting people with specialist domain knowledge who want to co-found agritech companies. No prior IP or “idea” required, but they are definitely looking for potential founders who want to build technology companies around with their larger Agriculture thesis on Restorative Cultivation.
Applications are open on a rolling basis, with decisions normally made in 2 weeks.
UK Innovation & Science Seed Fund (UKI2S)
The UK Innovation & Science Seed Fund (formerly known as The Rainbow Seed Fund) is a £27.1m early-stage venture capital fund building and growing technology companies stemming from the UK’s research base. UKI2S works closely with its partners – led by STFC, BBSRC and NERC, which are all part of UK Research & Innovation (UKRI) and Dstl — and is aligned with the Catapults and Innovate UK to create the best environment for innovation to flourish and in turn, boost the UK’s competitiveness and productivity by commercialising key technological advances in industrial biotech, ag tech, healthcare, medicine, clean energy, materials, artificial intelligence, software and space. Foodtech is also within scope.
Click here to find out more.
Horizon Europe Calls
KTN has a range of training videos for UK companies in how to write a successful project proposal for European funding. Talk to our team to find out more about Horizon Europe’s open calls.