AI for Services Podcast Episode 3: A conversation with Gavin Starks, CEO and Founder of Icebreaker One

AI for Services has launched a podcast series to share the personal stories of the founders who are leading the development of the awarded projects. In the first four episodes, Astrid Ayel interviews the Enabling Data Access Competition winners.
A Net Zero future: Developing climate ready financial products
Gavin Starks has a long pedigree in setting up innovative programmes. He was the founding CEO of the Open Data Institute, co-chaired the Open Banking Standard and is now the CEO of Icebreaker One.
In this podcast, Gavin introduces us to the SERI (Standard for Environment, Risk and Insurance) a UKRI funded programme bringing partner organisations and leading institutions to bridge the data gaps between finance and climate change.
Gavin says, “Data sharing is crucial to business survival.” and tells us that the insurance sector needs to have a better understanding of environmental risk modelling in order to develop climate ready financial products. They need improved access to data in order to assess risk and to understand directly from partners what the market needs to deliver ‘net zero’. The blockers are usually not technological but finding out what information exists in the first place.
Gavin says one of his biggest achievements is the success of SERI, which far exceeded its financial targets in the first year. His next project is in open energy to enable sharing across the sector of 8,000 organisations.
Listen to the podcast and find out who he would like to meet before he dies…
Follow Gavin Starks on LinkedIn
Visit Icebreaker One’s website and find out more about SERI