Anaerobic Digestion Network: January Events
The Anaerobic Digestion Network are holding two events in January.
The first of their January events is titled ‘Maximising Opportunities for AD Assets’ and will be taking place on 16th January 2019 in Birmingham. This event is being hosted in conjunction with the Centre for Research into Environmental Science and Technology (CREST), with topics on the day focussing on getting the most out of feedstocks, improving process performance, commercial management, and opportunities beyond biogas. The event has been recommended for AD developers and operators, funders, consultants, farmers, scientists, academics, policy makers and environmental regulators.
For more information on ‘Maximising Opportunities for AD Assets’ and to register your attendance please click here.
The other scheduled event is The AD Network’s final ‘Research Colloquium’ taking place on 23rd – 25th January 2019 at The University of Manchester. The AD Network’s theme has been ‘Beyond Biogas’ which will be showcased in the colloquium, including topics on biomethanisation, biorefinery advances and optimisation. The programme features national and international speakers, with evening drinks and a formal dinner also taking place.
For more information and to register your attendance for the Research Colloquium please click here.
About The Anaerobic Digestion Network
The Anaerobic Digestion Network is one of 13 unique collaborative Networks in Industrial Biotechnology and Bioenergy (BBSRC NIBB) which is funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). The Network addresses scientific and technical challenges in the development of anaerobic biotechnology, drawing on the expertise of leading academics underpinned by new tools and concepts.