BEIS announce winners of their CCUS Innovation & CCUD Programmes

Posted on: 08/07/2019

Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy have announced recipients of £26m to move the UK towards a net zero emissions nation.

The winners have been announced for the¬†the UK‚Äôs largest carbon capture project to date, removing 40,000 tonnes of¬†CO2¬†from the atmosphere each year.¬†9 companies have secured ¬£26 million of government funding, in addition to industry backing, to advance the rollout of carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) in the UK – a crucial step towards the UK‚Äôs net zero emissions and the end of the UK‚Äôs contribution to global warming.

Energy and Clean Growth Minister, Chris Skidmore, has announced the winners on a visit to Tata Chemicals Europe’s plant in Winnington, Cheshire.


The full list of the winning projects are as follows:

Carbon Capture, Usage and Demonstration (CCUD)
The CCUD programme is designed to encourage industrial sites to capture carbon dioxide of up to 70,000 tonnes per year, which could then be used commercially in industrial applications. £20 million has been made available, of which nearly £5 million is being awarded today. It is intended to demonstrate how such projects can be replicated in the UK and Europe to deploy a pipeline of CCU projects for wide-scale deployment in the 2030s.

  • Drax ‚Äì Fuel Cell Biogenic Carbon Capture Demonstration, ¬£500,000 towards a ¬£1 million project
  • Origen Power ‚Äì Oxy-Fuelled Flash Calciner Project, ¬£249,000 towards a ¬£356,000 project
  • Tata Chemicals Europe ‚Äì Carbon Capture and Utilisation Demonstration,¬£4.2 million towards a ¬£17 million project

Call for CCUS Innovation
In July 2018 a £15 million Call for CCUS innovation was announced to offer grant funding to projects which would reduce the cost or accelerate the rollout of CCUS in the UK and internationally. Following a review in January 2019 the amount of funding being made available was increased to £24 million.

  • C-Capture ‚Äì Negative¬†CO2¬†emissions from BECCS, ¬£4,915,070 towards an ¬£11.1 million project
  • Pale Blue Dot Energy ‚Äì Acorn storage site, ¬£4,795,017 towards an ¬£8.1 million project
  • TiGRE Technologies Limited – Integration of¬†CCUS¬†technology to a 200MW OCGT TiGRE Project located in the North Sea, ¬£163,909 towards a ¬£243,000 project
  • Translational Energy Research Centre (PACT-2) – Led by University of Sheffield / Pilot-Scale Advanced Capture Technology (PACT), ¬£7 million toward a ¬£21 million project
  • Progressive Energy ‚Äì HyNet Industrial CCS, ¬£494,626 toward a ¬£765,500 project
  • OGCI Climate Investments ‚Äì Clean Gas Project, ¬£3.8 million toward an ¬£18 million project

You can read more about this here.

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