Beyond the grant - Supporting innovators in the UK and Overseas

Posted on: 03/07/2019

Call for expressions of interest: KTN, on behalf of Innovate UK, will be hosting a one-day workshop on the 23rd July in London.


Could you help shape and influence the future of incubation support to UK and overseas organisations within the energy sector in order to accelerate their innovation to commercialisation? KTN, on behalf of Innovate UK, will be hosting a one-day workshop on the 23rd July in London.

Innovate UK are looking to engage with experts in the field of incubation support, those who have been in receipt of incubation funding and organisations currently partnered with overseas organisations. The workshop, similar to those held in association with previous rounds of the Energy Catalyst programme, will help to identify challenges in this area and methods for providing support.

Where this has been predominantly through offering UK businesses grants for innovative projects at different stages of development, this workshop will look beyond the funding to other challenges met by those in the energy sector partnering with sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, and what additional support could be put in place to help overcome these barriers.

How to register

Expression of Interest: Please note that this system registration is an expression of interest only and does not guarantee an automatic place at the event – a separate confirmation email will be sent to you if your place has been accepted.

Deadline for expressions of interest: 5pm, 17th July

To register your interest, click here.

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