Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking Publishes Annual Work Plan and Budget for 2019

Posted on: 22/01/2019

The 2019 Annual Work Plan and Budget (AWP) is the sixth one on the critical path towards 2020.

The 2019 Annual Work Plan and Budget continues to be based on the acceleration of the development of new sustainable value chains from biomass feedstock supply via efficient processing, to the acceptance and application of bio-based products in the end-markets. This is a single stage call which will be published on the 4th April 2019, with an expected deadline of 4th September 2019 (5:00pm CET).

The 2019 AWP has a budget of 135 million Euros. In addition, at least 60 million Euros in in-kind contributions are expected from other industry partners.

Call Title: Horizon 2020: Bio Based Industries: H2020-BBI-JTI-2019

For more information on the AWP, click here.

The scientific priorities for 2019 are the following:

1. foster the supply of sustainable biomass feedstock to feed both existing and new value chains;
2. optimise efficient processing for integrated biorefineries through research, development and
3. develop innovative bio-based products for identified market applications;
4. create and accelerate the market-uptake of bio-based products and applications.

This funding call includes 21 topics which will be released soon.

Funding from EU programmes guaranteed until the end of 2020

As a reminder regarding European funding post-Brexit, the UK government announced at the end of July 2018 that it will guarantee funding secured by UK organisation through EU programmes, even in a no deal scenario. This means that successful bids for EU funding until the end of 2020 will receive their full financial allocation and will continue to receive funding over the project’s lifetime. More information and an FAQs document are available here.

SAVE THE DATE: Information Day 12th April 2019, Brussels

UK organisations may also be interested to attend an Information Day on the 12th April 2019 in Brussels. More information will be published on the BBI website soon. To save the date, visit

About BBI

The Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU) is a €3.7 billion Public-Private Partnership between the EU and the Bio-based Industries Consortium. Operating under Horizon 2020, this EU body is driven by the Vision and Strategic Innovation and Research Agenda (SIRA) developed by the industry. Visit

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