Break Through Innovation II: using Design to Accelerate your Innovation
Break Through Innovation II supports companies to become design-led organisations
Join us on Tue 1 October 2019 at the Design Museum London for the second in our series of highly successful Break Through Innovation events. Register here.
Businesses who understand the power of being human-centred design focused, realise that this is a key strategic tool to aid the growth of their business. It is increasingly understood that bringing designers to the table in early-stage innovation processes can make a crucial difference. For start-ups, strategic design helps get brilliant ideas to the right market. For established businesses, it helps reposition or expand their offering.
The first Break Through Innovation event, in May 2018, explored a lot of challenges facing businesses considering design as part of their early-stage innovation processes. Some of the discussions  that helped companies included; How do we access markets where design isn’t an added value? How do we integrate design to benefit wider? How do I ask the right questions to get the right designers for me?
The London Design Museum is the setting for the second Break Through Innovation event. The event will support companies to become design-led organisations by bringing together speakers and hosting masterclasses to further raise the design expertise and maturity of companies through:
●       Sharing insights and answers from how to use human centred design to unlock key business challenges in the innovation journey
●       Helping companies on the next step of the innovation journey by talking to industry specific advisers across the KTN
●       Building a sense of collective experience about overcoming difficulties in getting new products and services to market.
Please register your interest to attend this event. Places are free but limited and will be prioritised for UK SMEs.
Break Through Innovation Articles
A series of articles which illuminate both the perceived challenges of going through a human-centred strategic design process and the lucrative results it can produce, were created following the first Break Through Innovation event.
1. Does following a design formula help or hinder?
2. Does success depend on the size of the business?
3. What does it mean to have your ideas challenged?
4. Why does transparency matter in the design process?
5. What is the true benefit of an external perspective?
Read more about how design can help your business to innovate here.