Bridging the risk gap between small and large companies

Available to download, this Thought Leadership Paper explores how small and large firms might work together more effectively to boost collaboration.
KTN’s Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Special Interest Group (RAI SIG) has produced Thought Leadership Papers (TLP) to capture the essence of a topic relevant to the uptake of RAI and to provide insight, built on community experience, that generates impact by showcasing good practice. Whilst this paper was created by the RAI community based on their experiences, its contents and learnings are relevant across all sectors of industry.
This TLP explores how Small and Large companies might work together more effectively by setting out what each side needs to understand about the other. It seeks to communicate what makes a successful collaboration. This TLP is based on a workshop attended by both SMEs and Large companies who were encouraged to explain their position to each other. Despite the fact that participants, both large and small, were actively engaged in collaborations both discovered new areas of misunderstanding and, more importantly, were able to codify approaches to interaction that could help others be more successful from the outset.
Further TLPs, on the subjects of Health and AgriTech, will be released soon.