Could greater management expertise help drive innovation in your organisation?
mKTP links you with leading UK business schools to develop more effective management skills and systems – dedicated funding competition closes 19 Feb
Announced last year by the UK Government department for Business and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), the Management KTP (mKTP) is designed to upskill management teams in order to expand productivity and enable transformative change.
Running alongside the highly successful Knowledge Transfer Partnership programme – first introduced more than 40 years ago -¬† mKTPs operate in exactly the same way: they create a three way partnership between an organisation, a leading UK business school and a talented graduate or post-graduate (known as the KTP Associate). Together they collaborate to identify and deliver key management-based initiatives that provide strategic change.
One of the first mKTPs is between Resistant Building Products and Queen’s University, Belfast led by Academic Advisor, Dr Shirley-Ann Hazlett, Senior Lecturer, Queen’s Management School who commented that:
“I have been involved with a range of KTP programmes for the last 10+ years, but this current programme with Resistant Building Products (RBP) is probably the most dynamic one to date. RBP is a small, successful organisation with ambitious growth plans,. However, rapid and very unpredictable changes in the external business environment could impact negatively on the organisation.  As a result, this KTP programme will focus on designing, developing and implementing an ambitious stakeholder management strategy. The KTP Associate will get excellent hands on experience in understanding how an organisation operates holistically. Drawing on both theory and practice in strategic management, marketing, the digital business, stakeholder management, building and enhancing stakeholder relationships, measurement and business improvement, the Associate will be able to shape and influence the organisation’s growth plans. This dynamic 3-way partnership can and does drive competitive advantage in organisations like this, by delivering unparalleled and cost effective access to the UK’s world-class knowledge base”.
The first dedicated funding competition for mKTP closes on 19 February at midday, so talk to your Knowledge Transfer Adviser today if you think a mKTP might be the right mechanism to implement improved management skills and approaches.